(PECL win32ps:1.0.1)
win32_ps_stat_proc — Stat process
Retrieves statistics about the process with the process id pid .
The process id of the process to stat. If omitted, the id of the current process.
Returns FALSE on failure, or an array consisting of the following information on success:
The process id.
The path to the executable image.
An array containing information about the following memory utilization indicators: page_fault_count , peak_working_set_size , working_set_size , quota_peak_paged_pool_usage , quota_paged_pool_usage , quota_peak_non_paged_pool_usage , quota_non_paged_pool_usage , pagefile_usage and peak_pagefile_usage .
An array containing information about the following CPU time utilization indicators: created , kernel and user .