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(PECL svn:0.1-0.2)

svn_ls — Returns list of directory contents in repository URL, optionally at revision number


array svn_ls ( string $repos_url [, int $revision_no ] )

This function queries the repository URL and returns a list of files and directories, optionally from a specific revision. This is equivalent to svn list $repos_url[@$revision_no]

Note: This function does not work with working copies. repos_url must be a repository URL.



URL of the repository, eg. http://www.example.com/svnroot . To access a local Subversion repository via filesystem, use the file URI scheme, eg. file:///home/user/svn-repos


Integer revision number to retrieve listing of. When omitted, the HEAD revision is used.

Return Values

On success, this function returns an array file listing in the format of:

[0] => Array ( [created_rev] => integer revision number of last edit [last_author] => string author name of last edit [size] => integer byte file size of file [time] => string date of last edit in form 'M d H:i' or 'M d Y', depending on how old the file is [time_t] => integer unix timestamp of last edit [name] => name of file/directory [type] => type, can be 'file' or 'dir' ) [1] => ...



This function is EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this function, the name of this function, and anything else documented about this function may change without notice in a future release of PHP. Use this function at your own risk.


Example#1 svn_ls() example

svn_ls('http://www.example.com/svnroot/') );

The above example will output something similar to:

Array ( [0] => Array ( [created_rev] => 20 [last_author] => Joe [size] => 0 [time] => Apr 02 09:28 [time_t] => 1175520529 [name] => tags [type] => dir ) [1] => Array ( [created_rev] => 23 [last_author] => Bob [size] => 0 [time] => Apr 02 15:15 [time_t] => 1175541322 [name] => trunk [type] => dir ) )

See Also

PHP Manual

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