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PHP Manual


(PECL paradox:1.4.0-1.4.1)

px_insert_record — Inserts record into paradox database


int px_insert_record ( resource $pxdoc , array $data )

Inserts a new record into the database. The record is not necessarily inserted at the end of the database, but may be inserted at any position depending on where the first free slot is found.

The record data is passed as an array of field values. The elements in the array must correspond to the fields in the database. If the array has less elements than fields in the database, the remaining fields will be set to null.

Most field values can be passed as its equivalent php type e.g. a long value is used for fields of type PX_FIELD_LONG, PX_FIELD_SHORT and PX_FIELD_AUTOINC, a double values is used for fields of type PX_FIELD_CURRENCY and PX_FIELD_NUMBER. Field values for blob and alpha fields are passed as strings.

Fields of type PX_FIELD_TIME and PX_FIELD_DATE both require a long value. In the first case this is the number of milliseconds since midnight. In the second case this is the number of days since 1.1.0000. Below there are two examples to convert the current date or timestamp into a value suitable for one of paradox's date/time fields.

Note: This function is only available if pxlib >= 0.6.0 is used.



Resource identifier of the paradox database as returned by px_new().


Associated or indexed array containing the field values as e.g. returned by px_retrieve_record().

Return Values

Returns FALSE on failure or the record number in case of success.


Example#1 Set the date/time fields in a paradox database to the current date/time

$fp fopen("test.db""w+");
px_create_fp($px$fp, array(array("timestamp""@"), array("time""T"), array("date""D")));

$curdate getdate();
$jd gregoriantojd($curdate["mon"], $curdate["mday"], $curdate["year"]);
$days $jd 1721425/* Number of days between 1.1.4714 b.c. and 1.1.0000 */
$secs $curdate["hours"]*3600 $curdate["minutes"]*60 $curdate["seconds"];
px_insert_record($px, array($days*86400000.0 $secs*1000.0$secs*1000.0$days));

$curtimestamp microtime(true);
$days = (int) ($curtimestamp/86400);
$secs $curtimestamp - ($days 86400.0);
$days += 2440588/* Number of days between 1.1.4714 b.c. and 1.1.1970 */
$days -= 1721425/* Number of days between 1.1.4714 b.c. and 1.1.0000 */
px_insert_record($px, array($days*86400000.0 $secs*1000.0$secs*1000.0$days));
$i=0$i<2$i++) {
$rec px_retrieve_record($px$i);
px_timestamp2string($px$rec["timestamp"], "n/d/Y H:i:s")."\n";
px_date2string($px$rec["date"], "n/d/Y")."\n";

The above example will output:

2/21/2006 21:42:30 2/21/2006 2/21/2006 20:42:30 2/21/2006

The Julian day count as passed to jdtogregorian() has a different base of 1.1.4714 b.c. and must therefore be calculated by adding 1721425 to the day count used in the paradox file. Turning the day count into a timestamp is easily done by multiplying with 86400000.0 to obtain milli seconds.

See Also


PHP Manual

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