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PHP Manual


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

odbc_execute — Execute a prepared statement


bool odbc_execute ( resource $result_id [, array $parameters_array ] )

Executes a statement prepared with odbc_prepare().Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. The array parameters_array only needs to be given if you really have parameters in your statement.

Parameters in parameter_array will be substituted for placeholders in the prepared statement in order. Elements of this array will be converted to strings by calling this function.

Any parameters in parameter_array which start and end with single quotes will be taken as the name of a file to read and send to the database server as the data for the appropriate placeholder.

Note: As of PHP 4.1.1, this file reading functionality has the following restrictions:

  • File reading is not subject to any safe mode or open-basedir restrictions. This is fixed in PHP 4.2.0.
  • Remote files are not supported.
  • If you wish to store a string which actually begins and ends with single quotes, you must add a space or other non-single-quote character to the beginning or end of the parameter, which will prevent the parameter from being taken as a file name. If this is not an option, then you must use another mechanism to store the string, such as executing the query directly with odbc_exec()).

PHP Manual

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