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PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)

fbsql_list_dbs — List databases available on a FrontBase server


resource fbsql_list_dbs ([ resource $link_identifier ] )

Return a result pointer containing the databases available from the current fbsql daemon. Use the fbsql_tablename() to traverse this result pointer.



A FrontBase link identifier returned by fbsql_connect() or fbsql_pconnect().

If optional and not specified, the function will try to find an open link to the FrontBase server and if no such link is found it will try to create one as if fbsql_connect() was called with no arguments

Return Values

Returns a result pointer or FALSE on error.


Example#1 fbsql_list_dbs() example

$link = fbsql_connect('localhost', 'myname', 'secret');
$db_list = fbsql_list_dbs($link);

while ($row = fbsql_fetch_object($db_list)) {
    echo $row->Database . "\n";

The above example will output something similar to:

database1 database2 database3 ...

Note: The above code would just as easily work with fbsql_fetch_row() or other similar functions.

See Also

PHP Manual

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