If the guest operating system version is prior to HP-UX 11i
v3 0809 (that is, 11i v3 0709 or 0803), a guest LUN might not appear
after a delete and add. For example, this issue might occur with the
following sequence of events::
In the guest, execute rmsf for the lun path ( lunpath
Class in ioscan display).
In the VM Host, delete the lun entry from the guest's
configuration using the hpvmmodify command.
In the VM Host, add the lun entry back to the guest's
configuration using the hpvmmodify command.
In the guest ioscan, the lun (which was deleted and
added back) does not appear.
Perform the following workaround:
In the guest, rmsf the target path (tgtpath Class
in isoscan display) corresponding to the lun path.
In the guest, perform an ioscan.
Note, this issue will not be seen if the guest OS is HP-UX 11i
v3 0809.