When you add a virtual NIC to your guest, Integrity VM checks
to make sure the MAC address is unique.
By default, Integrity VM makes three attempts (each with a one-second
timeout) to determine the validity of the MAC address for the virtual
NIC. This process can result in up to ten seconds of delay for each
defined virtual NIC. To speed up this processing, add the following
tunable to the /etc/rc.config.d/hpvmconf configuration
Where n is the number of
attempts (1 to 30). The default is 3. A value of 1 or 2 increases
performance at the risk of missing a response from a slow NIC.
You can set the HPVMMACADDRFRAMES tunable
to zero (0), which completely eliminates the MAC address verification.
However, HP recommends that you do so only after you configure all
of your guests and confirm that there are no conflicts with MAC addresses
in your network environment.
To boost virtual network performance, create additional vswitches
and allocate them across guests.