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hpvmmgmt — Manage dynamic data within the Integrity VM guest environment.


hpvmmgmt [-l type] [ -V -M -X ] [-v]

hpvmmgmt [-l type] [-t interval] [-V] [-v]

hpvmmgmt [-v] [-x keyword=value or] [-x keyword=value:keyword=value]


The hpvmmgmt command allows you to view and potentially manage dynamic guest data. To manage the data, the VM Host must have configured the guest to do so.

To obtain a display in machine-readable or XML format, use the -M or -X option.

The hpvmmgmt command without options displays a summary of types of Integrity VM management data that the guest can view and, if appropriate, change.

Only superusers can execute the hpvmmgmt command.


Only the -x option can be specified more than once.

The hpvmmgmt command recognizes the following options and attributes:

-l type

Specifies the type of data to list more information about. For the type parameter, enter ram.

-t interval

Used in conjunction with the -l option, this option allows the hpvmmgmt command to continuously refetch the requested type of data using the value specified for the interval attribute (specified in seconds) between updates. If the -t option is not specified, the data is only fetched once. The hpvmmgmt command forces the value to a maximum interval.


Displays the version number of the hpvmmgmt command. The version number is displayed first, followed by information specified by other options.


Displays detailed information (verbose mode) about the virtual machines. When the hpvmmgmt command is run with only this option, the output displays the valid name value pairs for each type of modifiable dynamic data type known.

The -V, -M, and -X options are mutually exclusive.


Displays verbose attribute and resource information in machine-readable format.

Individual fields are separated by one of three delimiters:

  • The colon (:) separates each field and resource type.

  • The semicolon (;) separates subfields of a resource type.

  • The comma (,) separates individual items in a list of similar items.

The -V, -M, and -X options are mutually exclusive.


Displays verbose attribute and resource information in the XML format.

The -V, -M, and -X options are mutually exclusive.

-x keyword=value

Specifies virtual machine characteristics. Use the following keywords:

  • -x ram_target={0 | start | amount}

    Specifies the guest RAM target, where the values are as follows:

    • 0 indicates the dynamic memory driver reduces the memory on the guest to what it determines is a comfortable minimum that does not result in guest memory being paged out.

    • start indicates that the guest dynamic memory size is set back to the boot time value.

    • amount is a specific target memory size for the guest.


The hpvmmgmt command exits with one of the following values:

0: Successful completion.

1: One or more error conditions occurred.


The hpvmmgmt command displays error messages on stderr for any of the following conditions:

  • An invalid option is specified.

  • The hpvmmgmt command and Integrity VM are at different revision levels.


The following example lists all the types of data that can be managed, as well as the name value pairs:

# hpvmmgmt Type Guest Control ====== ============= ram yes

The following example shows the detailed information about the manageable data:

# hpvmmgmt -l ram -V [Dynamic Memory Information] ======================================= Type : driver Current memory : 2103 MB Target memory : 2103 MB Comfortable minimum : 2423 MB Minimum memory : 1222 MB Maximum memory : 6144 MB Boot memory : 6135 MB Free memory : 124 MB Available memory : 286 MB Memory pressure : 12 Memory chunksize : 65536 KB Driver Mode(s): STARTED ENABLED GUESTCTL

The following example sets the dynamic RAM target to the original boot amount:

# hpvmmgmt -x ram_target=0 Attempting to decrease memory from 2039 MB to 745 MB. Successfully began to change ram_target to 745 MB. # hpvmmgmt -x ram_target=start Attempting to increase memory from 929 MB to 2039 MB. Successfully began to change ram_target to 2039 MB.


The hpvmmgmt command was developed by HP.


On the VM Host:

hpvm(5), hpvmclone(1M), hpvmcollect(1M), hpvmconsole(1M), hpvmcreate(1M), hpvmdevmgmt(1M), hpvmdevtranslate(1M), hpvmhostrdev(1M), hpvminfo(1M), hpvmmigrate(1M), hpvmmodify(1M), hpvmnet(1M), hpvmpubapi(3), hpvmremove(1M), hpvmresources(5), hpvmsar(1M), hpvmstart(1M), hpvmstatus(1M), hpvmstop(1M), hpvmupgrade(1M), p2vassist(1M)

On the Integrity VM guest:

hpvmcollect(1M), hpvminfo(1M), hpvmpubapi(3)

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