This manual consists of the following chapters:
Chapter 1: “Introduction” describes the Integrity VM software and related products for managing Integrity servers from HP.
Chapter 2: “Installing Integrity VM” describes how to install the Integrity VM product.
Chapter 3: “Creating Virtual Machines” describes how to create virtual machines.
Chapter 4: “Creating HP-UX Guests” describes how to create HP-UX guests
Chapter 5: “Creating Windows Guests” describes how to create Windows® guests.
Chapter 6: “Creating Linux Guests” describes how to create Linux guests.
Chapter 7: “Creating Virtual Storage Devices” describes how to create virtual storage devices.
Chapter 8: “Creating Virtual Networks” describes how to create virtual networks.
Chapter 9: “Managing Guests” describes how to start, stop, and manage virtual machines and resources.
Chapter 10: “Migrating Virtual Machines” describes how to migrate guests to other VM Host systems.
Chapter 11: “Using HP Serviceguard with Integrity VM” describes how to set up Serviceguard to manage your guests.
Chapter 12: “Reporting Problems with Integrity VM” describes how to solve virtual machine problems.
Appendix A: “Integrity VM Support Policy” provides the support policy for the various aspects of Integrity VM.
Integrity VM Manpages lists the HP-UX manpages provided with the HP Integrity VM software.
Glossary : “Glossary” defines important terms used in the Integrity VM documentation.