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HP Integrity Virtual Machines Version 4.0 Installation, Configuration, and Administration > Chapter 8 Creating Virtual Networks

Managing vNICs


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After you create the vswitch, you can allocate it to one or more virtual machines for use by guest operating systems and applications. To create a vNIC for a virtual machine, enter one of the following commands:

  • To create a new virtual machine with one vswitch:

    # hpvmcreate -P vm-name -a network:adapter-type:[hardware-address]:vswitch:vswitch-name
  • To create a new virtual machine based on the configuration of an existing virtual machine:

    # hpvmclone –P vm-name —a network:adapter-type:[hardware-address]:vswitch:vswitch-name

    The vNIC specified with this command is added to the new virtual machine.

  • To modify an existing virtual machine:

    # hpvmmodify –P vm-name —a network:adapter-type:[hardware-address]:vswitch:vswitch-name

    The —a option adds the specified vNIC to the virtual machine.

NOTE: If you modify a vNIC from lan to avio_lan, or avio_lan to lan, you must restart the vswitch.

As with virtual storage devices, use the -a rsrc option to associate a guest virtual network device with a vswitch. Before you use this option to associate the virtual network device with a vswitch, create the vswitch using the hpvmnet command. The format of the rsrc parameter for network devices is:


The guest virtual network device information consists of the following fields, separated by colons:

  • network

  • adapter-type, which can be either lan or avio_lan

  • [hardware-address] (optional), formatted as bus,device,mac-addr. If you do not specify the hardware address, or a portion of it, the information is generated for you. HP recommends allowing Integrity VM to generate the hardware address. The hardware address consists of the following information:

    • bus (virtual network device PCI bus number)

    • device (virtual network device PCI slot number)

    • mac-addr (the virtual network device MAC address) in either of the following formats: 0xaabbcc001122 or aa-bb-cc-00-11-22. The MAC address that you enter is checked to make sure it does not conflict with any of the VM Host’s physical network adapter MAC addresses.

  • vswitch

    The virtual switch information is formatted as vswitch:vswitch-name (where vswitch-name is the name assigned to the virtual network switch when you create it using the hpvmnet command)

Removing vNICs

To remove a vNIC from a virtual machine's configuration, first stop the guest using the hpvmstop command. Then use the -d option to the hpvmmodify command. The -d option allows you to specify the vswitch and the vNIC information. The following is the syntax of the hpvmmodify -d command:

hpvmmodify -P vm-name -d network:adapter-type:[hardware-address]:vswitch:vswitch-name

After making this change, start the guest using the hpvmstart command.

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