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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Chapter 9 nPartition Operations

Putting an nPartition into an Inactive State and Other GSP Operations


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  1. If possible, gracefully shutdown all the virtual partitions within the target nPartition. For example:

    keira1# vparstatus keira1# shutdown -h keira2# vparstatus keira2# shutdown -h
  2. On the console, you will arrive at the MON> prompt. From the vPars Monitor prompt, type Ctrl-B to enter into the GSP:

    MON> ^B GSP MAIN MENU: CO: Consoles VFP: Virtual Front Panel CM: Command Menu CL: Console Logs SL: Show chassis Logs HE: Help X: Exit Connection
  3. At the GSP prompt, enter into the Command Menu

    GSP> cm Enter HE to get a list of available commands GSP:CM>
  4. From the GSP Command Menu, perform the desired hard partition commands.

    For example, to make the hard partition and its cells inactive, use the RR (Reset for Reconfiguration) command:

    GSP:CM> rr This command resets for reconfiguration the selected partition. WARNING: Execution of this command irrecoverably halts all system processing and IO activity and restarts the selected partition in a way that it canbe reconfigured. Do you want to reset for reconfiguration partition number 0? (Y/[N]) y . . .
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