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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Chapter 8 CPU, Memory, and I/O Resources (A.03.xx)

CPU: Adding, Removing, and Migrating Unbound CPUs


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For vPars A.03.xx and earlier, after min bound CPUs are assigned to a virtual partition, the quantity (total - min) CPUs are assigned to the partition as unbound CPUs. Therefore, to migrate unbound CPUs, specify total such that (total-min) is the number of unbound CPUs assigned to the target partition.


  • To create the partition winona2 with two bound CPUs and one unbound CPU, set total to three and min to two (vPars A.03.xx and earlier):

    # vparcreate -p winona2 -a cpu::3 -a cpu:::2

  • To add an unbound CPU to an existing partition, use the vparmodify command to either modify the total number of CPUs (-m cpu::total) or add to the total number of CPUs (-a cpu::total).

    For example, to add one unbound CPU to the partition winona2, which already has three CPUs, two of which are bound, you can either modify total to four:

    winona1# vparmodify -p winona2 -m cpu::4

    or add one to total:

    winona1# vparmodify -p winona2 -a cpu::1

  • To delete one unbound CPU from the partition winona2, which already has four CPUs:

    winona1# vparmodify -p winona2 -m cpu::3


    winona1# vparmodify -p winona2 -d cpu::1

  • Because you can dynamically migrate unbound CPUs, you can migrate an unbound CPU from one partition to another while both partitions are running. For example, if the partition winona1 has two bound CPUs and the partition winona2 has two bound and two unbound CPUs, you can migrate an unbound CPU from winona2 to winona1 using the following:

    winona1# vparmodify -p winona2 -d cpu::1 winona1# vparmodify -p winona1 -a cpu::1
NOTE: Migrating unbound CPUs may not fully complete immediately after executing the vparmodify commands.

For more information on CPUs, see the following:

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