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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Chapter 8 CPU, Memory, and I/O Resources (A.03.xx)

CPU: Adding and Removing Bound CPUs


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CPU Allocation Syntax In Brief

To understand how to assign CPUs, you need to understand the command syntax. Below is a brief explanation of the CPU allocation syntax for the vparcreate command. For complete information, see the vparcreate(1M), vparmodify(1M), and vparresources(5) manpages.

Syntax for vparcreate

The core vparcreate syntax for CPU allocation includes:

vparcreate -p partition_name [-a cpu::total] [-a cpu:::[min][:[max]]] [[-a cpu:hw_path]...]


  • min is the number of CPUs bound to partition_name. The default is 1.

  • total is the total number of bound plus unbound CPUs assigned to partition_name. The default is 1.

  • max is the maximum number of bound plus unbound CPUs that potentially can be added to the partition. The default is the number of CPUs in the server.[3]

  • 1 <= min <= total <= max

  • hw_path is the hardware path of a bound CPU. If not specified, the vPars Monitor chooses the hardware path.

Note on vparmodify Syntax

The vparmodify command follows a similar syntax, except that vparmodify allows the -m (modify) option as well as the -a (add) or -d (delete) option.

With the -m option, the number used with the -m is an absolute number. For example, -m cpu::3 represents an absolute number of three total CPUs; in this case, it sets the total number of CPUs (bound plus unbound) to three.

With the -a option (as well as the -d option), the number used with the -a is a relative number of CPUs (relative to the number of CPUs already assigned to the virtual partition). For example, -a cpu::3 represents three CPUs relative to the number of existing CPUs; in this case, -a cpu::3 adds 3 additional unbound CPUs to the number of unbound CPUs already assigned to the partition.

[3] When the vPars Monitor is running and you are not specifying an alternate database. If the vPars Monitor is not running or you are specifying an alternate database, the max may be a different number.

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