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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Chapter 7 CPU, Memory, and I/O Resources (A.04.xx)

CPU: Adding or Deleting by CLP (Cell Local Processor)


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Similar to CLM (cell local memory), CLP (cell local processor) refers to CPUs on a specific cell. The syntax to specify CLP is:

-[a|d] cell:cell_ID:cpu::num



is adding


is deleting


is the cell ID


is the number of CPUs from the cell to be added to or deleted from the virtual partition. Note that the num CPUs need to be available on the cell as well as the system before they can be added. To see whether they are available or already allocated, use the vparstatus command.

NOTE: CPU deletion fails when deletion by total and by CLP are given in the same vparmodify command.

In this situation, the CPU deletion by total fails with the error message “vPar does not own enough Monitor-assigned CPUs to satisfy the request” although there are enough monitor-assigned CPUs.

Instead, issue separate vparmodify commands to delete by total and delete by CLP.

For example instead of issuing the following command:

# vparmodify -p vpar1 -d cell:3:cpu::2 -d cpu::1

Issue two separate commands to delete by CLP and then by total:

# vparmodify -p vpar1 -d cell:3:cpu::2
# vparmodify -p vpar1 -d cpu::1
The virtual partition can be either up or down when using the CLP syntax (cell_ID:cpu::num).

CPUs that are added using the CLP syntax can be deleted only by using either:

  • CLP syntax, or

  • cpu:hw_path syntax (deletion by hardware path).

Adding or deleting CPUs by CLP changes total accordingly, regardless of whether the virtual partition is up or down.


  • To create a virtual partition using 2 CPUs from cell 6:

    keira1# vparcreate -p keira2 -a cell:6:cpu::2 ...

  • To increase the number of CPUs by 2 using the CPUs of cell 6:

    keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -a cell:6:cpu::2

    To decrease the number of CPUs by 2 using the CPUs of cell 6:

    keira1# vparmodify -p keira2 -d cell:6:cpu::2

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