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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Chapter 5 vPars Monitor and Shell Commands

vPars Monitor: Using the vPars Monitor Commands from ISL or EFI


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You can specify any of the vPars Monitor commands either at the vPars Monitor prompt (MON>) or at the ISL prompt (ISL>). If you are at ISL or EFI, use the desired command as the argument for the vPars Monitor /stand/vpmon.

For example, to run the command vparload -p winona1 from the vPars Monitor prompt, use

MON> vparload -p winona1

To run the same command from ISL or EFI, use

ISL> hpux /stand/vpmon vparload -p winona1

Shell> fs0:efi\hpux\hpux boot vpmon vparload -p winona1

where the command (vparload -p winona) is the argument for the vPars Monitor (/stand/vpmon).

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