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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Chapter 4 Installing, Updating, or Removing vPars and Upgrading Servers with vPars

Upgrading Backplanes from PCI to PCI-X


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If you upgrade from the PCI to PCI-X backplane with the following server upgrades:

  • rp7410 to rp7420

  • the rp8400 to rp8420

  • Superdome

the hardware paths of the I/O devices will change. The I/O device paths are in the format

  • cell/sba/lba/device/function.target.lun

When changing from the PCI to PCI-X backplane, the device in the hardware paths will change from 0 to 1. So, if a hardware path before the upgrade was

  • 1/0/8/0/0.6.0

the new hardware path is

  • 1/0/8/1/0.6.0

Not all I/O hardware paths change after the PCI to PCI-X backplane upgrade. For details on the new paths for each slot, see the respective hardware upgrade manuals available at http://docs.hp.com.

For vPars and other changes, including the correct LVM and VxVM modifications on a vPars system, see the LVM and vPars I/O Hardware Upgrade Process document at http://docs.hp.com/hpux/11i/index.html#Virtual%20Partitions.

Be aware that instead of performing the upgrades for LVM, vPars, etc., you also have the option of performing a cold-install on the upgraded rp8420 or rp7420 as if they were new systems with no previous installations.

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