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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Chapter 4 Installing, Updating, or Removing vPars and Upgrading Servers with vPars

Applying a vPars Sub-System Patch


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The vPars sub-system patch includes the vPars Monitor, commands, and daemons. To apply a vPars patch to an existing version, perform the following:

  1. Shut down all the virtual partitions.

  2. Reboot the server into standalone mode. This consists of the following:

    1. At the MON> prompt, type reboot

    2. If needed, interrupt the boot sequence at the BCH> and boot /stand/vmunix instead of /stand/vpmon. For example:

      BCH> bo pri interact with IPL? y . . . ISL> hpux /stand/vmunix
  3. Install the vPars sub-system patch using swinstall.

  4. Reboot the system:

    # shutdown -r

  5. Boot the vPars Monitor and the virtual partitions from the disk where you installed the vPars sub-system patch. For example, if we had installed the patch to the disk at the primary path:

    BCH> bo pri interact with IPL? y . . . ISL> hpux /stand/vpmon -a

    If you have configured your AUTO file in the LIF area to boot the vPars Monitor and virtual partitions automatically, then this step will be performed automatically. For more information, see “Autoboot”.

  6. On each virtual partition, repeat Step 3 to install the vPars sub-system patch on each boot disk of each virtual partition. No reboot of the virtual partition is required.

    Because the boot disk used to boot in standalone mode in Step 2 already has the new vPars patch (this was installed during Step 3), you can exclude this step for the boot disk at the primary path.

    You must install the vPars patch on each virtual partition before putting the virtual partitions back into production. Running a mix of vPars products and versions within a group of virtual partitions is not supported.

NOTE: If you have previously applied any patches specific to vPars, you will need to re-apply those patches to the vPars product.
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