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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Chapter 2 How vPars and Its Components Work

Transitioning from vPars A.03.xx to vPars A.04.xx/A.05.xx (CPU Syntax and Rules)


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The values in a vPars database that were created using vPars A.03.xx and ported to vPars A.04.xx will have the following A.04.xx meanings for those values; likewise, using vPars A.03.xx syntax on a vPars A.04.xx system has the following A.04.xx meanings.

This table summarizes the A.04.xx and A.05.xx CPU syntax and rules

Table 2-5 CPU Syntax from A.03.xx to A.04.xx/A.05.xx

vPars A.03.xx Syntax

vPars A.04.xx/A.05.xx Syntax


  • number of bound CPUs

  • minimum number of CPUs assigned to the partition

  • number of CPUs assigned by hardware path is subset of min

  • cannot change min while virtual partition is up


  • minimum number of CPUs assigned to the partition

  • cannot change min while virtual partition is up


  • specify CPU by hardware path

  • number of CPUs assigned by hardware path is subset of min


  • specify CPU by hardware path

  • when a virtual partition is down, the number of CPUs assigned by hardware path must be less than or equal to the pre-existing total setting

  • on dual-core processor systems, hw_path refers to the CPU cores (see ioscan(1M))


  • total = bound + unbound CPUs


  • total = (number of CPUs assigned by hw_path) + (number of CPUs assigned by cell) + (number of CPUs assigned by vPars Monitor)

    NOTE: when the virtual partition is booted, one of the CPUs from the operand list above becomes the boot processor.

    NOTE: from a user’s point of view, the same CPU could be considered under more than one category. However, the vPars Monitor will categorize and count a CPU only once. Use vparstatus -v to see the CPU details.

max as in cpu:::min:max

  • max is maximum number of CPUs that can be assigned to the partition

max as in cpu:::min:max

  • same meaning as in A.03.xx


Table 2-6 CPU Rules from A.03.xx to A.04.xx/A.05.xx

vPars A.03.xx Rules

vPars A.04.xx/A.05.xx Rules

dynamic CPU migration

  • only unbound CPUs can be migrated while a virtual partition is up

dynamic CPU migration

  • all CPUs except the boot processor can be migrated while a virtual partition is up

count rules

  • number of CPUs assigned by hw_path <= min

  • min<= total<= max

count rules

  • min <= total

  • total = (number of CPUs assigned by hw_path) + (number of CPUs assigned by cell) + (number of CPUs assigned by vPars Monitor)

    NOTE: when the virtual partition is booted, one of the CPUs from the operand list above becomes the boot processor.

    NOTE: from a user’s point of view, the same CPU could be considered under more than one category. However, the vPars Monitor will categorize and count a CPU only once. Use vparstatus -v to see the CPU details

  • total <= max

  • when a virtual partition is down, the number of CPUs assigned by hardware path must be less than or equal to the pre-existing total

adding to or deleting from the total count of CPUs assigned to a virtual partition is performed by only

  • modifying total directly (cpu::total)

adding to or deleting from the total count of CPUs is performed by any of the following:

  • modifying total directly (cpu::total)

  • adding or deleting by hw_path (cpu:hw_path)

    • if the virtual partition is up, total will be adjusted automatically (unless the CPUs are already assigned to the partition)

    • if the virtual partition is down, the number of CPUs assigned by hardware path must be less than or equal to the pre-existing total

      if this is the case, you should first modify total to allow the additional CPU.

  • adding or deleting by CLP

    • total will be adjusted automatically

adding by num (-a cpu::num)

  • deletion requires decreasing by num (-d cpu::num)

adding by num (-a cpu::num)

  • deletion requires decreasing by num (-d cpu::num) or by hw_path (-d cpu:hw_path)

adding by hw_path (-a cpu:hw_path)

  • deletion requires deleting by hw_path (-d cpu:hw_path)

  • this does not adjust total

  • this does not adjust min

  • requires the partition to be down

adding by hw_path (-a cpu:hw_path)

  • deletion requires deleting by hw_path (-d cpu:hw_path)

  • this does adjust total if the virtual partition is up (unless the CPU is already assigned to the partition); otherwise, if the virtual partition is down, the number of CPUs assigned by hardware path must be less than or equal to the current total

  • partition can be up or down

deleting by hw_path (-d cpu:hw_path)

  • can only delete CPU added by hw_path

deleting by hw_path (-d cpu:hw_path)

  • can delete any CPU (except the boot processor)

adding by cell

  • not available in A.03.xx

adding by cell (-a cell:cell_ID:cpu::num)

  • requires deleting by either of the following:

    • by cell (-d cell:cell_ID:cpu::num)

    • by hw_path (-d cpu:hw_path)

boot processor

  • not available in A.03.xx

boot processor

  • cannot be deleted while the virtual partition is up

    Note that the actual boot processor can change across virtual partition reboots. Use the vparstatus -v command to determine which CPU is the current boot processor

vparstatus output when virtual partition is down

  • shows all bound CPUs assigned to the partition

vparstatus output when virtual partition is down

  • shows CPUs assigned by hardware path

  • shows count of CPUs assigned by cell

I/O interrupts

  • only bound CPUs can handle I/O interrupts

  • intctl (interrupt control) applies to only the bound CPUs

I/O interrupts

  • at boot: all CPUs can handle I/O interrupts

  • after boot:

    • when CPUs are removed from a virtual partition, the I/O interrupts are automatically reassigned to the other active CPUs

    • when CPUs are added to a virtual partition, the I/O interrupts are not automatically processed by the added CPUs

    • intctl can be applied to all CPUs


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