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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Appendix D Memory Usage with vPars in nPartitions

Firmware Partitions (fPars)


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fPars is an interface/interpreter for the firmware on Integrity servers and vPars. fPars uses ILM memory.

fPar0 requires 384 MB of memory for vPars A.05.01, and 256 MB of memory for vPars A.04.03; fPar dump requires 128 MB. The vPars Monitor runs on fpar0; fPar dump is used for vPars Monitor panics.

Additionally, each virtual partition that is booted requires an fPar instance, which is an additional 32 MB per fpar instance.

If our example system running vPars A.05.01 has 2 virtual partitions, 576 MB (384 + 128 + (32 x 2) = 576) is used by fPars.

On a vPars A.04.03 system with 2 virtual partitions, 448 MB (256 + 128 + (32 x 2) = 448) is used by fPars.

Note that the memory used by fPars is provided by the last virtual partition booted.

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