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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide > Appendix C Calculating the Size of Kernels in Memory (PA-RISC only)

Calculating the Size of a Kernel


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To calculate the size of the kernel, perform the following using the kernel file (for example, /stand/vmunix) on the target OS:

  1. Get the size of the kernel:

    # size /stand/vmunix [18784256 + 4775224 + 6696240 = 30255720

    The size of the kernel is the final number: 30255720

  2. Divide by (1024 * 1024):

    ((30255720) / (1024 * 1024)) + 1 = 29.85

  3. Round up the result to the next multiple of 64 MB:

    29.85 rounded to the next multiple of 64 MB = 64 MB

    Use this number (64 MB) for the size of kernel. (Although the actual size of the kernel may be closer to 30 MB, the minimum granularity with which memory is assigned to a partition is 64 MB.)

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