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HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator’s Guide


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HP Part Number: T1335-90098

Edition: 16

Published: September 2008

Table of Contents

About This Document
Publication History
1 Introduction
What Is vPars?
Product Features
Why Use vPars?
Supported Environments
HP Product Interaction
Ordering vPars
2 How vPars and Its Components Work
Partitioning Using vPars
vPars Monitor and Database
vPars Monitor
vPars Partition Database
Boot Sequence
Boot Sequence: Quick Reference
Boot Sequence: The Details
Virtual Consoles
nPartition Logs
MCA (Machine Check Abort) Logs on Integrity Systems
EFI and Integrity Notes
Integrity Differences Relative to PA-RISC
For Further Information
Comparing vPars on PA-RISC and Integrity
Comparing vPars Versions
Resource Migration and Required States
Transitioning from vPars A.03.xx to vPars A.04.xx/A.05.xx (CPU Syntax and Rules)
3 Planning Your System for Virtual Partitions
Full ioscan Output of Non-Cellular System Named winona
Full ioscan Output of Cellular (nPartitionable) System Named keira
Planning, Installing, and Using vPars with an nPartitionable Server
I/O Hardware Paths
CPU Hardware Paths
Planning Your Virtual Partitions
Virtual Partitions Layout Plan
Number of Virtual Partitions
Virtual Partition Names
Minimal Hardware Configuration
Assigning the Hardware Console LBA
Choosing the Boot and Lan Paths
Virtual Partition Plan
Mixed HP-UX 11i v1/v2 vPars Environments in vPars A.04.05
Features of Mixed HP-UX 11i v1/v2 vPars Environments
Feature Summary
Mixed HP-UX 11i v2/v3 vPars Environments in vPars A.05.xx
Feature Summary
Booting Summary
Determining the Version in a Mixed HP-UX 11i v2/v3 vPars Environment
Mixed HP-UX 11i v1/v2/v3 vPars Environments in vPars A.05.03
Features of Mixed HP-UX 11i v1/v2/v3 vPars Environments
Features Summary
4 Installing, Updating, or Removing vPars and Upgrading Servers with vPars
Notes, Cautions, and Other Considerations Before You Update or Install vPars
Other Considerations
Bundle Names
vPars Product Bundles
vPars-related Bundles (A.03.xx and earlier)
Setting Up the Ignite-UX Server
Ignite-UX Versions
Determining the Ignite-UX Version
Ignite-UX Cookbook
Ignite-UX, the LAN, the LAN card, and vparboot -I
Updating from vPars A.04.xx to A.05.xx
Update-UX Preparation Steps
The Update Process: Goal
The Update Process
Updating from vPars A.03.xx to Mixed HP-UX 11i v1/v2 vPars (A.03.05 and A.04.05) Environment
Overview of the Mixed HP-UX 11i v1/v2 vPars Environment Update Process
Update-UX Primer
Changing nPartition Boot Paths To Boot the vPars A.04.xx Monitor
The Update Process for Mixed HP-UX 11i v1/v2 vPars Environments: Step by Step Details
Migrating from vPars A.03.xx to Mixed HP-UX 11i v1/v2/v3 vPars (A.03.05, A.04.02 or later, A.05.03)
Updating from vPars A.04.xx to Mixed HP-UX 11i v2/v3 vPars (A.04.xx and A.05.xx) Environment
Update-UX Primer
Changing nPartition Boot Paths To Boot the vPars A.05.xx Monitor
The Update Process: Goal
The Update Process: Step by Step
Updating from vPars A.03.xx to A.05.xx
General Process for A.03.xx to A.05.xx Workaround (PA only)
Updating from vPars A.03.xx to A.04.xx
The Steps
Updating vPars A.03.xx to vPars A.03.05
The vPars A.03.05 Update Process
Updating from vPars (A.02.xx or A.03.xx) to A.03.xx
Applying a vPars Sub-System Patch
Upgrading Integrity Servers from the sx1000 to sx2000 Chipset
Hardware Path Changes
vPars Database Changes
Hardware Path Tables
Upgrading HP 9000 Servers from the sx1000 to sx2000 Chipset
Hardware Path Changes
vPars Database Changes
Hardware Path Tables
Upgrading Backplanes from PCI to PCI-X
Updates Involving VPARSBASE
Installing vPars with Ignite-UX on PA-RISC
Installing vPars with Ignite-UX on Integrity
Installing vPars with Software Distributor
Removing the vPars Product
From a Single Virtual Partition
From the Entire System
5 vPars Monitor and Shell Commands
Notes on Examples in this Chapter
Syntax of Example Commands
Example Server
Modes: Switching between nPars and vPars Modes (Integrity Only)
Commands to Set the Mode
Usage Scenarios
EFI Boot Disk Paths, including Disk Mirrors, and vparefiutil (Integrity Only)
vPars Monitor: Booting the vPars Monitor
vPars Monitor: Accessing the vPars Monitor Prompt
vPars Monitor: Using vPars Monitor Commands
Displaying Information
vPars Monitor: Using the vPars Monitor Commands from ISL or EFI
Commands: vPars Manpages
Commands: vPars Commands Logging
Log File Location and Log Format
Cases Where No Logging Occurs
Cases Where Logging Occurs
Constraints and Restrictions to Logging
Syslog and Priority and Facility Codes
Commands: Displaying vPars Monitor and Resource Information (vparstatus)
Virtual Partition States
vparstatus Output Examples
vparstatus: Summary Information
vparstatus: Verbose Information
vparstatus: Available Resources
vparstatus: CPU Information on vPars A.04/A.05
vparstatus: Dual-Core CPUs
vparstatus: Pending Migrating CPUs Operations
vparstatus: Pending Migrating Memory Operations
vparstatus: Base and Float Memory Amounts
vparstatus: Pending nPartition Reboot for Reconfiguration
vparstatus: vPars Monitor and Database Information
Managing: Creating a Virtual Partition
Managing: Removing a Virtual Partition
Managing: Modifying Attributes of a Virtual Partition
Booting a Virtual Partition
Shutting Down or Rebooting a Virtual Partition
When to Shutdown All Virtual Partitions
Shutting Down or Rebooting the nPartition (Or Rebooting the vPars Monitor)
Setboot and System-wide Stable Storage
Using Primary and Alternate Boot Paths
Autoboot and Autosearch Attributes
Setting the Primary or Alternate Boot Paths
Using Primary and Alternate Paths with nPartitions
Booting Using the Primary or Alternate Boot Paths
The AUTO File on a Virtual Partition
Autobooting the vPars Monitor and Virtual Partitions
Single-User Mode
Example: A Hung Partition
Other Boot Modes
Maintenance Mode
Overriding Quorum
Changing the LVM Boot Device Hardware Path for a Virtual Partition
Resetting a Virtual Partition
Hard Reset
Soft Reset
Using an Alternate Partition Database File
Managing Resources With Only One Virtual Partition
6 CPU, Memory, and I/O Resources (A.05.xx)
I/O: Topics
I/O: Concepts and Functionality
System, Cells, SBA, LBA, Devices and Relationships
I/O: Adding or Deleting LBAs
I/O Syntax in Brief
I/O: Allocation Notes
Memory: Topics
Memory: Concepts and Functionality
Definitions for Assigning (Adding) Or Deleting ILM or CLM Memory
Definitions for Dynamically Migrating ILM or CLM Memory
Advanced Topic: Granularity
Memory: Assigning (Adding) or Deleting by Size (ILM)
Memory: Assigning (Adding) Or Deleting by Size (CLM)
Memory: Assigning (Adding) Or Deleting by Address Range
2 GB Restriction (PA-RISC only)
Memory: Available and Assigned Amounts
vparstatus: Available ILM and CLM Memory
vparstatus: Base and Float Memory Amounts
Memory: Converting Base Memory to Float Memory
Memory: Granularity Concepts
Granularity Value Locations
Memory: Granularity Issues (Integrity and PA-RISC)
Memory: Setting the Granularity Values (Integrity)
Usage Scenarios
Memory: Setting the Granularity Values (PA-RISC)
Usage Scenario
Memory: Notes on vPars Syntax, Rules, and Output
Memory: CLI Rules for Dynamic Migration of Memory
Memory: Allocation Unit Notes
CPU: Topics
CPU: Concepts and Functionality
CPUs: Definitions for CPUs
CPU: Specifying Min and Max Limits
CPU: Adding and Deleting by Total
CPU: Adding or Deleting by CLP (Cell Local Processor)
CPU: Adding or Deleting by Hardware Path
Using both the Hardware Path Specification and CLP specification
CPU: Notes on vPars Syntax, Rules, and Output
CPU: CLI Rules for Dynamic Migration of Memory and CPU
CPU: Deleting CPUs Summary
CPU: vparstatus
CPU: Counts Summary
CPU: Dual-Core Processors
Determining If the System Has Dual-Core Processors
Determining Sibling CPUs
CPU: Hyperthreading ON/OFF (HT ON/OFF)
CPUs: Managing I/O Interrupts
intctl Command
CPU: CPU Monitor (Formerly Known As LPMC Monitor)
Memory, CPU: Canceling Pending Operations
Status: Pending
Cancel Pending Usage
7 CPU, Memory, and I/O Resources (A.04.xx)
I/O: Concepts
System, Cells, SBA, LBA, Devices and Relationships
I/O: Adding or Deleting LBAs
I/O Syntax in Brief
I/O: Allocation Notes
Memory: Concepts and Functionality
Memory: Assigning by Size (ILM)
Memory: Assigning by Size (CLM)
Memory: Specifying Address Range
2 GB Restriction (PA-RISC only)
Memory: Granularity Concepts
Granularity Value Locations
Granularity Issues (Integrity and PA-RISC)
Granularity described in vparresources(5)
Memory: Choosing a Granularity Value and Boot Time (Integrity)
The Goal
Memory: Setting the Granularity Values (Integrity)
Usage Scenarios
Memory: Setting the Granularity Values (PA-RISC)
Usage Scenario
Memory: Allocation Notes
CPU: Boot Processor and Dynamic CPU Definitions
CPU: Specifying Min and Max Limits
CPU: Adding and Deleting by Total
CPU: Adding or Deleting by CLP (Cell Local Processor)
CPU: Adding or Deleting by Hardware Path
Using both the Hardware Path Specification and CLP specification
CPU: Syntax, Rules, and Notes
Counts Summary
Deleting CPUs Summary
Managing I/O Interrupts
intctl Command
CPU: Using iCAP (Instant Capacity on Demand) with vPars (vPars A.04.xx and iCAP B.07)
Purchasing Licenses for iCAP CPUs
Activating and Deactivating CPUs
Assigning and Unassigning CPUs
Intended Active Boundary
CPU: Dual-Core Processors
Determining If the System Has Dual-Core Processors
Determining Sibling CPUs
CPU: CPU Monitor (Formerly Known As LPMC Monitor)
8 CPU, Memory, and I/O Resources (A.03.xx)
I/O: Concepts
System, Cells, SBA, LBA, Devices and Relationships
I/O: Adding or Deleting LBAs
I/O Syntax in Brief
I/O: Allocation Notes
Memory: Concepts and Functionality
Memory: Assigning by Size (ILM)
Memory: Specifying Address Range
2 GB Restriction
Memory: Allocation Concepts and Notes
CPU: Specifying Min and Max Limits
CPU: Bound and Unbound
CPU: Determining Whether to Use Bound or Unbound
CPU: Determining When to Specify a Hardware Path for a Bound CPU
CPU: Adding and Removing Bound CPUs
CPU Allocation Syntax In Brief
CPU: Adding a CPU as a Bound CPU
Choosing the Hardware Path of a Bound CPU
CPU: Removing a Bound CPU
CPU: Removing a CPU with a Specified Hardware Path
CPU: Adding, Removing, and Migrating Unbound CPUs
CPU: Managing I/O Interrupts
intctl Command
CPU: Dual-Core Processors
Determining If the System Has Dual-Core Processors
Determining Sibling CPUs
CPU: CPU Monitor (Formerly Known As LPMC Monitor)
9 nPartition Operations
Basic Conceptual Points on using vPars within nPartitions
nPartition Information
Setting Hyperthreading (HT ON/OFF) and cpuconfig Primer
vPars Monitor
Rebooting and Reconfiguring Conceptual Points
Reconfiguring the nPartition
Reconfiguring an nPartition (Integrity)
Reconfiguring an nPartition (PA-RISC)
Putting an nPartition into an Inactive State and Other GSP Operations
Configuring CLM for an nPartition
parmodify syntax
Configuring CLM Notes
10 Crash Processing and Recovery
Crash Processing
Crash User Interface
Directory Location and Filenames
vPars Monitor Dump Analysis Tool
Kernel Dumps
Network and Tape Recovery
Using make_net_recovery within a vPars Environment
Using make_tape_recovery Outside of a vPars Environment
Using make_tape_recovery and Dual-media Boot
Using make_tape_recovery within a vPars Environment
Expert Recovery
11 vPars Flexible Administrative Capability
Terms and Definitions
Flexible Administrative Capability Commands
Basic Syntax and Usage
Basic Syntax and Usage
Persistence across vPars Monitor Reboots
vPars Commands
Example vPars Monitor Scenario (monadmin)
Turning On The Flexible Administrative Capability Feature
Adding Virtual Partitions to the Designated-admin Virtual Partition List
Example HP-UX Shell Scenario (vparadmin)
A Command Successfully Executed
A Command Not Executed Due to the Flexible Administrative Capability Feature
Adding a Virtual Partition to the Designated-admin Virtual Partition List
Deleting a Virtual Partition to the Designated-admin Virtual Partition List
Listing the Virtual Partitions in the Designated-admin Virtual Partition List
Changing the Flexible Administrative Capability Password
Determining whether Flexible Administrative Capability is ON or OFF
12 Virtual Partition Manager (A.03.xx)
About the Virtual Partition Manager (vparmgr)
Starting the Virtual Partition Manager
Using the vPars Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Stopping the Virtual Partition Manager
A LBA Hardware Path to Physical I/O Slot Correspondence (PA-RISC only)
rp5470/L3000 I/O Block Diagram
rp7400/N4000 I/O Block Diagram
rp7410 and rp7405 PCI I/O Block Diagram
rp8400 PCI I/O Block Diagram
Superdome (SD16000, SD32000, SD64000) PCI I/O Block Diagram
B Problem with Adding Unbound CPUs to a Virtual Partition (A.03.xx)
The Workaround: Reboot the Target Virtual Partition
C Calculating the Size of Kernels in Memory (PA-RISC only)
Calculating the Size of a Kernel
Examples of Using the Calculations
Changing Dynamic Tunables
Migrating OSs from non-vPars Servers to a vPars Server
D Memory Usage with vPars in nPartitions
nPartition Firmware
Firmware Partitions (fPars)
vPars Monitor
Example System
E Moving from a Standalone to vPars
F Supported Configurations for Memory Migration

List of Figures

1-1 vPars Conceptual Diagram
1-2 Superdome Cabinet
2-1 Server without vPars
2-2 Software Stack of Server without vPars
2-3 Server Block Diagram with Two Virtual Partitions
2-4 Software Stack for Server with Two Virtual Partitions
4-1 Overview of Update Process for Mixed HP-UX 11i v1/v2 vPars Environment
6-1 System to I/O Device Relationship
6-2 LBA Owns Multiple I/O Devices
6-3 vPars Allocates I/O at the LBA Level
6-4 vPars Allocates at LBA Level not SBA Level
6-5 vPars Allocates at LBA Level not SBA Level
6-6 vPars Allocates at LBA Level not Cell Level
6-7 Using Partition Manager to Determine Dual-Core Processors
7-1 System to I/O Device Relationship
7-2 LBA Owns Multiple I/O Devices
7-3 vPars Allocates I/O at the LBA Level
7-4 vPars Allocates at LBA Level not SBA Level
7-5 vPars Allocates at LBA Level not SBA Level
7-6 vPars Allocates at LBA Level not Cell Level
7-7 Using Partition Manager to Determine Dual-Core Processors
8-1 System to I/O Device Relationship
8-2 LBA Owns Multiple I/O Devices
8-3 vPars Allocates I/O at the LBA Level
8-4 vPars Allocates at LBA Level not SBA Level
8-5 vPars Allocates at LBA Level not SBA Level
8-6 vPars Allocates at LBA Level not Cell Level
8-7 Using Partition Manager to Determine Dual-Core Processors
12-1 vPars GUI Status Screen
A-1 rp5470/L3000 I/O Hardware Paths
A-2 rp7400/N4000 I/O Hardware Paths
A-3 rp7410 and rp7405 I/O Hardware Paths
A-4 rp8400 I/O Hardware Paths
A-5 Superdome (SD16000, SD32000, SD64000) I/O Hardware Paths
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