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Managing Serviceguard Fifteenth Edition > Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Your Cluster

Testing Cluster Operation


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Once you have configured your Serviceguard cluster, you should verify that the various components of the cluster behave correctly in case of a failure. In this section, the following procedures test that the cluster responds properly in the event of a package failure, a node failure, or a LAN failure.

CAUTION: In testing the cluster in the following procedures, be aware that you are causing various components of the cluster to fail, so that you can determine that the cluster responds correctly to failure situations. As a result, the availability of nodes and applications may be disrupted.

Start the Cluster using Serviceguard Manager

If you have just finished configuring your cluster, it starts automatically. If it is halted later, restart it: from the System Management Homepage (SMH), select the cluster and choose Administration -> Run Cluster...

Testing the Package Manager

You can test that the package manager is operating correctly. Perform the following procedure for each package on the cluster:

  1. Obtain the PID number of a service in the package by entering

    ps -ef | grep <service_cmd> 

    where service_cmd is the executable specified in the package control script with the parameter SERVICE_CMD. The service selected must not have SERVICE_RESTART specified.

  2. To kill the service_cmd PID, enter

    kill PID 
  3. To view the package status, enter

    cmviewcl -v 

    The package should be running on the specified adoptive node.

  4. Move the package back to the primary node (see “Moving a Failover Package ”).

Testing the Cluster Manager

To test that the cluster manager is operating correctly, perform the following steps for each node on the cluster:

  1. Turn off the power to the node SPU.

  2. To observe the cluster reforming, enter the following command on some other configured node:

    cmviewcl -v 

    You should be able to observe that the powered down node is halted, and that its packages have been correctly switched to other nodes.

  3. Turn on the power to the node SPU.

  4. To verify that the node is rejoining the cluster, enter the following command on any configured node:

    cmviewcl -v 

    The node should be recognized by the cluster, but its packages should not be running.

  5. Move the packages back to original node (see “Moving a Failover Package ”).

  6. Repeat this procedure for all nodes in the cluster one at a time.

Testing the Network Manager

To test that the network manager is operating correctly, for each node on the cluster do the following:

  1. To identify primary and standby lan cards on the node, enter


    and then

    cmviewcl -v 
  2. Disconnect the LAN connection from the Primary card.

  3. Verify that a local switch has taken place so that the Standby card is now the Primary card. In Serviceguard Manager, check the cluster properties. On the command line, use cmviewcl -v.

  4. Reconnect the LAN to the original Primary card, and verify its status. In Serviceguard Manager, check the cluster properties. On the command line, use cmviewcl -v.

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