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Managing Serviceguard Fifteenth Edition > Chapter 7 Cluster and Package Maintenance

Disabling Serviceguard


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If for some reason you want to disable Serviceguard on a system, you can do so by commenting out the following entries in /etc/inetd.conf:

hacl-cfg dgram udp wait root /usr/lbin/cmclconfd cmclconfd -phacl-cfg stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/cmclconfd cmclconfd -c

Then force inetd to re-read inetd.conf:

/usr/sbin/inetd -c

You can check that this did in fact disable Serviceguard by trying the following command:

cmquerycl -n nodename

where nodename is the name of the local system. If the command fails, you have successfully disabled Serviceguard.

NOTE: You should not disable Serviceguard on a system on which it is actually running. If you are not sure, you can get an indication by means of the command:

ps -e | grep cmclconfd

If there are cmclconfd processes running, it does not mean for certain that Serviceguard is running on this system (cmclconfd could simply be handling UDP queries from a Serviceguard cluster on the same subnet) but it does mean you should investigate further before disabling Serviceguard.

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