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Managing Serviceguard Fifteenth Edition > Appendix G Migrating from LVM to VxVM Data Storage

Customizing Packages for VxVM


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After creating the VxVM disk group, you need to customize the Serviceguard package that will access the storage. Use the following procedure for a legacy package that will you use with the Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) disk groups. If you are using the Cluster Volume Manager (CVM), skip ahead to the next section. If you decide to create a new package, see Chapter 6 “Configuring Packages and Their Services”.

  1. Rename the old package control script as follows:

    mv Package.ctl Package.ctl.bak

  2. Create a new package control script with the same name as the old one:

    cmmakepkg -s Package.ctl

  3. Edit the new script to include the names of the new VxVM disk groups and logical volumes.

    The new portions of the package control script that are needed for VxVM use are as follows:

    • The VXVM_DG[] array. This defines the VxVM disk groups that are used for this package. The first VxVM_DG[] entry should be in index 0, the second in 1, etc. For example:

    • The LV[], FS[] and FS_MOUNT_OPT[] arrays are used the same as they are for LVM. LV[] defines the logical volumes, FS[] defines the mount points, and FS_MOUNT_OPT[] defines any mount options. For example lets say we have two volumes defined in each of the two disk groups from above, lvol101 and lvol102, and lvol201 and lvol202. These are mounted on /mnt_dg0101 and /mnt_dg0102, and /mnt_dg0201 and /mnt_dg0202, respectively.

      /mnt_dg0101 and /mnt_dg0201 are both mounted read only. The LV[], FS[] and FS_MOUNT_OPT[] entries for these would be as follows:



      FS_MOUNT_OPT[0]="-o ro"
      FS_MOUNT_OPT[1]="-o rw"
      FS_MOUNT_OPT[2]="-o ro"
      FS_MOUNT_OPT[3]="-o rw"

  4. Be sure to copy from the old script any user-specific code that may have been added, including environment variables and customer defined functions.

  5. Distribute the new package control scripts to all nodes in the cluster.

  6. Test to make sure the disk group and data are intact.

  7. Deport the disk group:

    # vxdg deport DiskGroupName

  8. Make the disk group visible to the other nodes in the cluster by issuing the following command on all other nodes:

    # vxdctl enable

  9. Restart the package.

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