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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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towctrans(), wctrans() — character transliteration


#include <wctype.h>

wint_t towctrans(wint_t wc, wctrans_t desc);

wctrans_t wctrans(const char *charclass);



The towctrans() function transliterates the wide-character code wc using the mapping described by desc. The current setting of the LC_CTYPE category should be the same as during the call to wctrans() that returned the value desc. If the value of desc is invalidated (that is, not obtained by a call to wctrans() or desc is invalidated by a subsequent call to setlocale() that has affected category LC_CTYPE, the result is undefined.


The wctrans() function is defined for valid character mapping names identified in the current locale. The charclass is a string identifying a generic character mapping name for which codeset-specific information is required. The following character mapping names are defined in all locales - "tolower" and "toupper". The function returns a value of type wctrans_t, which can be used as the second argument to subsequent calls of towctrans(). The wctrans() function determines values of wctrans_t according to the rules of the coded character set defined by character mapping information in the program's locale (category LC_CTYPE). The values returned by wctrans() are valid until a call to setlocale() that modifies the category LC_CTYPE.


The strings "tolower" and "toupper" are reserved for the standard mapping names. In the table below, the functions in the left column are equivalent to the functions in the right column.


towctrans(wc, wctrans("tolower"))


towctrans(wc, wctrans("toupper"))

The prototypes of these functions are available to applications if they are:


c99 conformant.


Compiled with -D_XOPEN_SOURCE macro with a value >=500.


Compiled with -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE macro with a value >= 200112.


If successful, the towctrans() function returns the mapped value of wc using the mapping described by desc. Otherwise it returns wc unchanged.

The wctrans() function returns (wchar_t)0 if the given character mapping name is not valid for the current locale (category LC_CTYPE), otherwise it returns a non-zero object of type wctrans_t that can be used in calls to towctrans().


The towctrans() function may fail if:


desc contains an invalid transliteration descriptor.

The wctrans() function may fail if:


The character mapping name pointed to by charclass is not valid in the current locale.


towctrans(), wctrans() were developed by HP and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.

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