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HP-UX Reference > Part III Section 2: System Calls



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pathconf(2) - get configurable path name variables
pause(2) - suspend process until signal
pipe(2) - create an interprocess channel
plock(2) - lock process, text, data, stack, or shared library in memory
poll(2) - monitor I/O conditions on multiple file descriptors
posix_fadvise(2) - file advisory information
posix_fadvise64(2) - file advisory information — see posix_fadvise(2)
postwait(2) - lightweight synchronization mechanism
pread(2) - read from file — see read(2)
pread64(2) - non-POSIX standard API interfaces to support large files — see creat64(2)
prealloc(2) - preallocate fast disk storage
prealloc64(2) - non-POSIX standard API interfaces to support large files — see creat64(2)
pri_hpux_to(2) - real-time scheduling operations — see rtsched(2)
PRI_HPUX_TO_POSIX(2) - real-time scheduling operations — see rtsched(2)
pri_hpux_to_posix(2) - real-time scheduling operations — see rtsched(2)
pri_posix_t(2) - real-time scheduling operations — see rtsched(2)
PRI_POSIX_TO_HPUX(2) - real-time scheduling operations — see rtsched(2)
pri_posix_to_hpux(2) - real-time scheduling operations — see rtsched(2)
profil(2) - execution time profile
pselect(2) - synchronous I/O multiplexing — see select(2)
pset_assign(2) - change processor set assignment
pset_bind(2) - bind process or thread to a processor set
pset_create(2) - create a processor set
pset_ctl(2) - processor set control
pset_destroy(2) - destroy a processor set
pset_getattr(2) - manage processor set attributes
pset_setattr(2) - manage processor set attributes — see pset_getattr(2)
pstat(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel
pstat_getcommandline(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getcrashdev(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getcrashinfo(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getdisk(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getdynamic(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getfile2(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getfiledetails(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getio(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getipc(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getlocality(2) - returns system-wide or per-process information of a ccNUMA system
pstat_getlv(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getlwp(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getmpathname(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getmsg(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getnode(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getpathname(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getpmq(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getproc(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getprocessor(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getproclocality(2) - returns system-wide or per-process information of a ccNUMA system — see pstat_getlocality(2)
pstat_getprocvm(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getpsem(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getpset(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getsem(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getshm(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getsocket(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getstable(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getstatic(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getstream(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getswap(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
pstat_getvminfo(2) - an infrastructure for obtaining information from the kernel — see pstat(2)
putmsg(2) - send a message on a stream
putpmsg(2) - send a message on a stream — see putmsg(2)
pw_getukid(2) - lightweight synchronization mechanism — see postwait(2)
pw_getvmax(2) - lightweight synchronization mechanism — see postwait(2)
pw_post(2) - lightweight synchronization mechanism — see postwait(2)
pw_postv(2) - lightweight synchronization mechanism — see postwait(2)
pw_wait(2) - lightweight synchronization mechanism — see postwait(2)
pwrite(2) - write on a file — see write(2)
pwrite64(2) - non-POSIX standard API interfaces to support large files — see creat64(2)
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