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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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getcchar() — get a wide-character string and rendition from a cchar_t


#include <curses.h>

int getcchar(const cchar_t *wcval, wchar_t *wch, attr_t *attrs, short *color_pair, void *opts);


When wch is not a null pointer, the getcchar() function extracts information from a cchar_t defined by wcval, stores the character attributes in the object pointed to by attrs, stores the colour pair in the object pointed to by color_pair, and stores the wide-character string referenced by wcval into the array pointed to by wch.

When wch is a null pointer, getcchar() obtains the number of wide characters in the object pointed to by wcval and does not change the objects pointed to by attrs or color_pair.

The opts argument is reserved for definition in a future edition of this document. Currently, the application must provide a null pointer as opts.


When wch is a null pointer, getcchar() returns the number of wide characters referenced by wcval, including the null terminator.

When wch is not a null pointer, getcchar() returns OK upon successful completion, and ERR otherwise.


No errors are defined.


The wcval argument may be a value generated by a call to setcchar() or by a function that has a cchar_t output argument. If wcval is constructed by any other means, the effect is unspecified.

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