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HP Integrity Server Only
HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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catan(), catanf(), catanl(), catanw(), catanq() — complex arctangent functions


#include <complex.h>

double complex catan(double complex z);

float complex catanf(float complex z);

long double complex catanl(long double complex z);

extended complex catanw(extended complex z);

quad complex catanq(quad complex z);


These functions are available only for Integrity servers.

catan() returns the complex arctangent of z, in the range of a strip mathematically unbounded along the imaginary axis and in the interval [-Pi/2,+Pi/2] along the real axis. Branch cuts are outside the interval [-1,+1] along the imaginary axis.

catanf() is a float complex version of catan(); it takes a float complex argument and returns a float complex result.

catanl() is a long double complex version of catan(); it takes a long double complex argument and returns a long double complex result.

catanw() is an extended complex version of catan(); it takes an extended complex argument and returns an extended complex result.

catanq() is equivalent to catanl() on HP-UX systems.


To use these functions, compile with the default -Ae option. To use catanw() or catanq(), compile with the -fpwidetypes option. Make sure your program includes <complex.h>. Link in the math library by specifying -lm on the compiler or linker command line.


catan(conj(z)) = conj(catan(z)) and catan is odd.

catan(+0+i0) returns +0+i0.

catan(+NaN+i0) returns +NaN+i0.

catan(+0+i1) returns +0+iInf and raises the divide-by-zero floating-point exception.

catan(Inf+iy) returns Pi/2+i0, for finite positive-signed y.

catan(NaN+iy) returns NaN+iNaN and optionally raises the invalid floating-point exception, for nonzero finite y.

catan(+x+iInf) returns Pi/2+i0, for finite positive-signed x.

catan(+Inf+iInf) returns Pi/2+i0.

catan(+NaN+iInf) returns +NaN+i0.

catan(x+iNaN) returns NaN+iNaN and optionally raises the invalid floating-point exception, for finite x.

catan(Inf+iNaN) returns Pi/2±i0 (where the sign of the imaginary part of the result is unspecified).

catan(NaN+iNaN) returns NaN+iNaN.


No errors are defined.


catan(), catanf(), catanl() : ISO/IEC C99 (including Annex G, ``IEC 60559-compatible complex arithmetic'')

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