HP SIM 5.2 logs SWA inventory data within SIM memory. SIM can
encounter performance issues and ultimately hang when the amount of
logged data exceeds the amount of memory configured for the Java Virtual
Machine. To work around this issue, select Tasks
& Logs
View Task Results...
from the HP SIM toolbar and delete all SWA Inventory
If SIM appears to hang when you select Tasks & Logs
View Task Results...
, it is possible to allocate additional memory to Java
using the following procedure:
Stop the SIM server.
# /sbin/init.d/hpsim stop |
Edit /etc/opt/mx/config/globalsettings.props to include the following:
Restart the SIM server.
# /sbin/init.d/hpsim start |
Once SIM has been restarted, the Task Results page should be
If the value of JVMMAXHEAP is
not large enough, /var/opt/mx/logs/mxdomainmgr.0.log will contain a message similar to
15:41:33,147 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
If this is seen, further increase the value of JVMMAXHEAP and restart the server.