analysis | | A comparison of the inventory and the catalog to determine
the recommended actions and applicable patches for installation.
analyzer | | An option of the swa report and swa step analyze commands used to specify the type of analyses
to run. Available analyzers are: CRIT, PCW, PW, QPK, SEC, CHAIN, and PATCH. If no analyzers are specified, the QPK, SEC, and PCS analyses are performed.
bulletin | | See security bulletin.
bundle equivalency | | The state of a system where all patches in a bundle that are
capable of being installed are present or superseded by newer components.
cache | | Inventory, catalog, analysis, and downloaded software stored
by SWA on the target system.
catalog | | A list of known problems with HP-UX software and their fixes,
located at the HP IT Resource Center (ITRC).
command line interface (CLI) | | Text formatted commands and options entered at an HP-UX command
line prompt or executed by a script.
extended option | | Customizations for a major mode. They can be specified on the
command line, in an option file, or in a configuration file.
inventory | | A list of all the software installed on a system.
IT Resource Center (ITRC) | | A URL location, http://itrc.hp.com, with
access to comprehensive HP software, hardware, and network support
information and tools.
major mode | | A style of CLI of the format command <major mode>. SWA has the following
major modes: report, get, clean, and step.
MD5 | | Message Digest-5. Authentication algorithm developed by RSA.
MD5 generates a 128-bit message digest using a 128-bit key. IPSec
truncates the message digest to 96 bits.
patch | | Software designed to update specific bundles, products, subproducts,
filesets, or files on a system.
Patch Assessment Tool | | Guided patch analysis and
selection software available on the IT Resource Center (ITRC) website that ensures your systems
meet the HP recommended patch configuration. HP-UX Software Assistant has all the capabilities
of the ITRC Patch Assessment Tool and more.
patch chain | | See supersession chain.
Quality Pack (QPK) | | A bundle of HP-UX defect-fix patches for proactive patching. QPK bundles are targeted for a particular
version of HP-UX. The patches are tested as thoroughly as an operating
system release.
report | | A summary of actions to take based on the analysis.
security bulletin | | The mechanism used by Hewlett-Packard to announce the presence
of potential security issues and lists actions recommended to resolve
the issue.
Security Patch Check (SPC) | | An HP-UX command that analyzes the security
bulletin compliance of a system. Most of the functionality
of SPC is superseded by HP-UX Software Assistant. Full support of SPC will end on 11/01/08.
Software Assistant (SWA) | | A command line interface tool
that consolidates and simplifies patch management and security bulletin management on HP-UX systems. The SWA tool is new for HP-UX releases as of January 2007, supersedes Security Patch Check (SPC), and is the HP-recommended
utility to use to maintain currency with HP-published security bulletins for HP-UX software.
step | | One discrete action of the swa report or swa get command. SWA steps are initiated with the swa step command. Valid steps are: inventory, catalog, analyze, report, download, and depot.
supersession chain | | A series of patches for a software product, beginning with the
nonpatched software product and progressing from the oldest patch
to the newest patch. Newer patches completely replace the older ones.
In general, patch numbers increase along a patch supersession chain.
swcache | | Files containing the software downloaded from the HP ITRC during
the swa get or the swa step download command. These files are stored in the swcache directory.
usercache | | Files created by swa report, such as the
inventories of the systems or depots, the catalog, and the analysis
file. These files are stored in the cache subdirectory.