Software Distributor commands keep track of installations,
products, and filesets on the system with the Installed Product Database
(IPD). Located in the directory /var/adm/sw/products, the IPD is a series of files and subdirectories that contain information
about all the products that are installed under the root directory
(/). This information includes all
the attributes describing the products, filesets, and files. The swinstall, swconfig, and swremove tasks automatically add to, change, and delete this IPD information
as the commands are executed.
You cannot manually edit the IPD files, but swmodify lets you change local IPD and local depot catalog
The equivalent IPD files for a depot are called
catalog files. When a depot is created or modified using swcopy, catalog
files are built (by default in /var/spool/sw/catalog) that describe the depot and its contents.
The IPD also contains a swlock file that manages simultaneous read and/or write access to software
objects, and ACLs.
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