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Software Distributor Administration Guide: HP-UX 11i v1, 11i v2, and 11i v3 > Appendix D Software Distributor Files and File System Structure

Agent File System Structure


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The agent component is organized as follows:

Table D-2 Agent Component

/dev/rmt/OmDefault location of the target tape device file
/usr/contrib/binLocation of the gzip executables used in file compression
/usr/lbin/swagentThe SD-UX agent
/usr/lbin/swDirectory containing utilities used by swinstall and swremove
/usr/lbin/sw/control_utilsFile containing common utilities used by SD control scripts.
/usr/sbinDirectory that contains the Software Distributor daemon (and all other executables)
/usr/lib/sw/examplesDirectory that contains various example packages and PSF files
/usr/lib/sw/sys.defaultsFile that lists all options and their default values
/var/adm/swDirectory that contains all the data for the Software Distributor product and the default location of logfiles
/var/spool/swDefault directory of the local Software Distributor depot
/var/adm/sw/defaultsSoftware Distributor system-wide defaults file
/var/adm/sw/host_objectList of depots registered at the local host
/var/adm/sw/host_object_npList of depots registered at the local host during nonprivileged mode
/var/adm/sw/productsThe Installed Products Database (IPD), a series of files and subdirectories that contain information about all products installed under the root (/) directory
/var/adm/sw/queueDirectory that contains the Jobs database.
/var/adm/sw/saveDirectory that is SD’s save area for patches
/var/adm/sw/save_customDirectory that is a custom save area for patches
/var/adm/sw/securityDirectory that contains the host Access Control List (ACL), all default ACLs, and the secrets file
/var/adm/sw/swagent.logAgent logfile containing details on installed software operations
/var/adm/sw/swagentd.logDaemon log file containing details on host and security operations

Controller logfile containing a summary of each job, where <task> is one of these values:

  • install

  • remove

  • config

  • modify

  • package

  • reg

  • verify

/var/adm/sw/tmpDirectory for temporary files
/var/home/USER_NAMEDefault location for admin_directory during nonprivileged mode
$HOME/.swdefaultsFile containing user-specified default values. If this file does not exist, Software Distributor looks for user-specific defaults in $HOME/.sw/defaults


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