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HP-UX System Administrator's Guide: Configuration Management: HP-UX 11i Version 3 > Chapter 10 Configuring the Kernel

Managing Kernel Tunable Parameters with kctune


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The kctune command is used to query and change the values of kernel tunable parameters (“tunables”), in the currently running configuration or in a saved configuration. Tunables are variables that govern the behavior of the HP-UX kernel. Tunables are used for a variety of different tasks: some control resource allocations; others control security policies; others enable optional kernel behavior; etc. There are 150-200 tunables in a typical kernel. See the kctune(1M) manpage.

System administrators can create their own “user-defined” tunables if they choose. These will not affect the operation of the system directly, but they can be used in computing the values of other tunables. For example, an administrator could choose to create a num_databases tunable, and then set several kernel tunables based on its value. A subsequent change to the value of num_databases would cause all of the related kernel tunable values to be changed as well.

Getting Information About Tunables

When you run kctune with no options, it shows you the tunables associated with the kernel modules on your system (as well as any user-defined tunables), their current values, and the expressions used to compute those values. If there are changes to those values being held for next boot, those will be shown as well. On a typical system, the expression for most tunables is Default, meaning that the administrator is allowing the system to choose the tunable value.

When you use the -c (configuration) option, kctune displays the tunable information from a saved configuration instead of the currently running system.

The output of kctune can be varied with several options. To control which tunables are listed, use the -D (differences) or -S (set) option. The -D option restricts the output to only those tunables whose value at next boot is different from their current value. The -S option restricts the output to only those tunables that are set to a nondefault value. The output can also be restricted by listing tunable names on the command line.

To control the output format, use the -d (description), -g (group), -v (verbose), or -P (parse) option.

With No Options  With no options, the output looks like this:

# kctune acctresume maxuprc nproc Tunable Value Expression Changes acctresume 4 Default maxuprc 256 Default Immed nproc 4200 Default Immed

With the -d Option  The -d option adds the description of each tunable:

# kctune -d acctresume maxuprc nproc Tunable Value Expression Changes Description acctresume 4 Default Relative percentage of free disk space required to resume accounting maxuprc 256 Default Immed Maximum number of processes for each non-root user nproc 4200 Default Immed Maximum number of processes on the system

With the -g Option  The -g option adds the name of the module defining the tunable, and sorts the output by module name. This has the effect of grouping related tunables together in the output.

# kctune -g acctresume maxuprc nproc Module Tunable Value Expression Changes pm_acct acctresume 4 Default pm_proc maxuprc 256 Default Immed pm_proc nproc 4200 Default Immed

With the -v Option  The -v option gives verbose, multiline information about each tunable:

kctune -v acctresume maxuprc nproc Tunable             acctresume Description         Relative percentage of free disk space required to resume accounting Module              pm_acct Current Value       4 [Default] Value at Next Boot  4 [Default] Value at Last Boot  4 Default Value       4 Constraints         acctresume >= -100                     acctresume <= 101                     acctresume > acctsuspend Can Change          At Next Boot Only Tunable             maxuprc Description         Maximum number of processes for each non-root user Module              pm_proc Current Value       256 [Default] Value at Next Boot  256 [Default] Value at Last Boot  256 Default Value       256 Constraints         maxuprc >= 3                     maxuprc <= nproc - 5 Can Change          Immediately or at Next Boot Tunable             nproc Description         Maximum number of processes on the system Module              pm_proc Current Value       4200 [Default] Value at Next Boot  4200 [Default] Value at Last Boot  4200 Default Value       4200 Constraints         nproc >= 100                     nproc <= 131072                     nproc >= semmnu + 4                     nproc >= maxuprc + 5                     nproc <= nkthread - 100 Can Change          Immediately or at Next Boot

With the -P Option  The -P option, which is designed for use by scripts or programs, gives you complete control over what information is printed. For more information, see “Parsing Command Output” or the kconfig(5) manpage.

The special keyword ALL displays all the possible categories. Compare with the -v option.

# kctune -P ALL nproc name nproc module pm_proc desc Maximum number of processes on the system defvalue 4200 bootvalue 4200 current 4200 next_boot 4200 expr Default next_expr Default min 100 max 131072 dynamic y canauto n default y auto_default n next_default y signed n flags 0x6c3 constraint nproc >= 100 constraint nproc <= 131072 constraint nproc >= semmnu + 4 constraint nproc >= maxuprc + 5 constraint nproc <= nkthread - 100

Use a comma-separated list with the -P option to display the categories you want.

# kctune -P name,current maxuprc nproc name maxuprc current 256 name nproc current 4200

Interpreting Tunable Information

Looking at the sample output above, you can see that each tunable has a name and a textual description. Each tunable is associated with a kernel module whose name is listed in the verbose output (or in the table output if -g is specified). Tunables can be seen and changed only if they are associated with a module that is installed on the system (or are user-defined). The module does not have to be in use.

When displaying tunable information for the currently running system, kctune includes the current tunable value and the expression used to compute it. If changes to the tunable’s value are being held for next boot, the next boot value and expression are also shown. Verbose listings also show the value the tunable had when the system was last booted. When displaying tunable information for a saved configuration, kctune displays only a current value.

Tunable values are computed integer expressions, which can refer to other tunable values. (Circular references are not permitted.) The value of a tunable could be 4200, or 0x400, or 12*1024, or 4*nproc+20. Values and expressions use the syntax of the C programming language. Therefore, numbers can be written in decimal (256), octal (01000), or hexadecimal (0x100). Expressions can use the following operators and symbols:

( ) ~ ! - + * / % << >> < <= > >= & ^ | == != && || ?:

A few tunables also support values specified as percentages, for example, 10%.

White space is not permitted in any tunable expression. For backward compatibility, tunable names used in expressions can appear in all capitals, but this usage is discouraged and support for it will be removed in a future release.

All kernel tunables have a default value, which is chosen by the developer, and is shown in the verbose output. For some tunables, the default value is fixed and never changes. For other tunables, a new default value is chosen by the system at boot time. Still others can be automatically tuned, which means that the default value can change periodically while the system is running, in response to changing system resources and needs. When a tunable is set to default, its expression is reported as Default, as seen in the examples above. In these cases, the system is free to choose the value it thinks optimal, and to change it as needed. HP recommends that tunables be left set to default unless the default is known to be unsatisfactory.

NOTE: Setting a tunable to Default is not the same thing as setting it explicitly to the default value reported by kctune. Using the example above, if you set nproc to 4200, its value will remain 4200 until you change it. However, if you set nproc to Default, its value will be kept up to date with any changes HP makes to the default value for nproc.

Some tunables have constraints on their values, which are shown in the verbose output. Sometimes these are minimum and/or maximum values, as shown for nproc above. Other times these are fixed relationships between tunables (for example, acctresume must be greater than acctsuspend) or restrictions on the allowed values (for example, dnlc_hash_locks must be a power of two). These constraints are enforced whenever tunable values are changed. There are other constraints, not shown by kctune, that are based on the current state of the system and can change over time (for example, nproc cannot be set to less than the number of processes currently running). These constraints are enforced only when changing the currently running system, and not when making changes held for use at next boot or changes to a saved configuration.

Some tunables have restrictions on when their values can be changed. These restrictions are noted in the kctune output. Tunables whose values can be changed immediately are marked Immed. Tunables whose values can be automatically tuned by the system are marked Auto. Tunables without either marking can only be changed with a reboot.

All HP-UX tunables have manpages. To obtain information about the behavior, allowed values, and side effects of a tunable, consult the manpage for that tunable, which can be found in section 5 of the online document. An overview of the kernel tunables can be found in Tunable Kernel Parameters, available on http://docs.hp.com.

Changing Tunable Values

To change the value of a tunable, put tunable value assignments on the kctune command line. (Or see “Managing Configurations with System Files”.) For example, to set nproc to 4300:

# kctune nproc=4300

To set a tunable to Default, either of these assignments will work. (Setting a user-defined tunable to Default causes it to be removed.)

# kctune nproc= # kctune nproc=Default

Assignments can use expressions, as noted above. Note that the assignment may need to be quoted to avoid interpretation by the shell.

# kctune 'nkthread=nproc*2+100'

To create a user-defined tunable, use the -u (user-defined) option when you assign the tunable a value. The -u option is not needed to change the value of an existing user-defined tunable.

Using the += symbol, you can increase the value of a tunable (by 100, in this example):

# kctune nproc+=100

Using the >= symbol, you can ensure a minimum value of a tunable. The command:

# kctune 'nproc>=5000'

will set nproc to 5000 if its current value is below 5000. If its current value is already 5000 or greater, it will be left unchanged. Note that the assignment is quoted to avoid interpretation by the shell.

See the kctune(1M) manpage for details.

When you change a tunable value using a command as in the above examples, the change will be made immediately to the currently running system, if possible. Sometimes it’s not possible to make the change immediately; for example, you might be trying to reduce the maximum value of some resource to below the current usage. Also, there are some tunables that cannot be changed without a reboot. In those cases, kctune will hold the change and apply it at next boot. If any change on the kctune command line has to be held for next boot, they all will be.

Sometimes you may want to force a change to be held for next boot, instead of applying it immediately. In these cases you can use the -h (hold) option of kctune to force that behavior. HP recommends that this option be used only when the next boot is expected to be soon. If, for example, the next boot doesn’t happen for months after making such a change, the system administrator could be unpleasantly surprised at the effect of a pending change that had been forgotten.

Changes to saved kernel configurations can be made by using the -c (configuration) option. Such changes are made to the saved configuration immediately, but they won’t affect the running system until that saved configuration is either loaded or booted. See “Managing Saved Configurations with kconfig” for more information.

When changing tunable values, kctune supports the -b (backup) option to specify backup behavior, and the -C option to specify a log file comment. See “Recovering from Errors” and “The Kernel Configuration Log File” for details.

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