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HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide: HP Integrity Server Blades, HP Integrity Servers, and HP 9000 Servers > Chapter 7 Installing HP Applications and Patches

Installing HP-UX Applications


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Your HP-UX 11i v3 media kit contains the HP-UX Application Software DVD. The Application Software DVD has optional development tools and system management software that you can choose to install new or update the existing software on your system.

TIP: You can find the complete list of applications included in the HP-UX 11i v3 release on the HP Software Releases & Media site:

http://www.hp.com/softwarereleases/releases-media2/index.html (Navigate to Current HP-UX update releases or Prior HP-UX update releases, then navigate to HP-UX New/Updated product list for the appropriate release date.)

Tips for Installing or Updating HP Applications

Here are some tips for installing or updating HP applications:

  • The HP-UX Application Software DVD has an ASCII file called TABLE_OF_CONTENTS that lists all software products delivered with the Application Software DVD. You can view this ASCII file with vi, emacs, or any other text editor.

  • To minimize the number of required reboots for installation of applications and patches you can use the same swinstall session.

  • For HP applications, documentation exists that explains how to install and use an application. The documents may include release notes, readme files, CD and DVD booklets, white papers, and guides. Refer to the Instant Information DVD or go to the HP Technical Documentation Web site:


Installing HP-UX Applications from the DVD

Before you begin, review Appendix A for any installation issues that apply to your system.

Required Media

Have the HP-UX 11i v3 Application Software DVD ready from the HP-UX 11i v3 media kit.

You must boot HP-UX 11i v3 to install HP-UX application software products. Use the following procedure to install products from the Application Software DVD:

  1. Insert the Application Software DVD in the DVD drive.

  2. Mount the Application Software DVD.

    To install software from the Application Software DVD, you must mount the DVD as a file system that HP-UX 11i v3 can access:

    1. Determine the DVD device name.

      Use the ioscan -funC disk command to list disk devices, including the DVD devices.

    2. Create a mount point for the Application Software DVD, if one does not yet exist.

      The mount point is a directory that HP-UX uses as an access point for the DVD. Often a /dvdrom directory is used. If this directory does not exist, create it using the mkdir /dvdrom command.

    3. Use the mount command to mount the DVD.

      Using the mount command, specify the DVD device name and mount point. For example, the following command mounts the /dev/dsk/c1t0d0 device as the /dvdrom directory:

      mount /dev/dsk/c1t0d0 /dvdrom

      Refer to the mount(1M) manpage for details.

  3. To determine which products and versions are on your system, use the swlist command:

    /usr/sbin/swlist -l product

  4. To install software from the Application Software DVD, use the swinstall command:

    The following example uses swinstall to install software from the source mounted at /dvdrom:

    swinstall -i -s /dvdrom

    Refer to the swinstall(1M) manpage for details. The swinstall program presents an interface for selecting and installing software from the DVD.

  5. Unmount and eject the Application Software DVD.

    You must unmount the DVD before you can eject it from the DVD drive. The DVD is automatically unmounted whenever the server reboots. Use the umount command to unmount the DVD. For example, umount /dvdrom unmounts the /dvdrom file system. Refer to the umount (1M) manpage for details.

NOTE: After you install or update HP-UX 11i v3, the latest critical patches that shipped with the media are installed on your system. Other recommended critical or required patches may have become available after the initial release of the media. On a regular basis go to the HP IT Resource Center for any new, recommended critical patches at: http://itrc.hp.com
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