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HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide: HP Integrity Server Blades, HP Integrity Servers, and HP 9000 Servers > Chapter 5 Cold-Installing HP-UX 11i v3 From Media

Post-Install Tasks


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After the cold-install, store the HP-UX DVDs in a safe place. You may need them to install drivers or other software later.

In addition, installing HP-UX 11i v3 installs a minimum set of default networking drivers that apply to the system. You may need to select or specify other available networking drivers to enable other cards on your system. Refer to the HP-UX 11i v3 Release Notes available at:


Task 1: Configuring OE Applications

After updating to an HP-UX 11i v3 Operating Environment (OE), some OE products need post-installation configuration to make them functional. This need may be indicated by a message logged in /var/opt/swm/swm.log.

Refer to each product’s installation instructions for details. The location of OE product documentation is listed in the HP-UX 11i v3 Release Notes, available on the Instant Information DVD and at the HP Technical Documentation Web site:


Task 2: Migrating to the Agile Mass Storage Stack (Optional)

In HP-UX 11i v3 there are two types of DSFs for mass storage: legacy DSFs and persistent DSFs. Both can be used to access a given mass storage device independently and can coexist on a given system. The new mass storage stack for HP-UX 11i v3 is intended to supersede the existing mass storage stack. However, in HP-UX 11i v3 they can exist in parallel. Existing legacy DSFs will continue to work as before; they are completely backward compatible, and will not be affected by any persistent DSFs on the same server.

If you cold-install HP-UX 11i v3, both legacy and persistent DSFs are automatically created. By default, the installation process will configure system devices like the boot, root, swap, and dump devices to use persistent DSFs. This means that configuration files such as/etc/fstab, /etc/lvmtab, and others will contain references to persistent DSFs.

You may choose to migrate to the new agile mass storage stack or you can continue to use the legacy mass storage stack. If you want to use the new features of the agile mass storage stack and are not affected by existing limitations, you may want to migrate to the new mass storage stack.

For more information on the new mass storage stack and to migrate from the legacy view to the agile view refer to the white paper called, The Next Generation Mass Storage Stack: HP-UX 11i v3 and the white paper called HP-UX 11i v3 Persistent DSF Migration Guide at:


Task 3: Retrieving Information After Cold-installing

After completing the cold-install, you can retrieve the information you had previously saved onto another system.

Create a New Root Home Directory

Consider creating a root home directory that is not /. Doing this keeps the user root dot files out of the /directory. Make sure it is on the root volume by calling it something like /homeroot. Doing this is especially important if you are using Logical Volume Manager (LVM) and /home is a separate volume.

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Except on trusted systems, edit /etc/passwd to change the home directory from root to /homeroot and save it.

  3. Create the /homeroot directory:

    mkdir /homeroot

  4. Move root’s personal files (files beginning with . ) to /homeroot:

    mv /.[^.]* /homeroot

  5. Exit and log in again as root.

Recover Files

Recover all the customized and personal files that you saved previously by merging them manually. For example, do not overwrite /etc/passwd with your old version. Instead, either paste in entries from your old files or merge the old information into the new files.

Restore /home

If you had a local home directory, you can restore it as follows:

  • For instance, if you copied it to /backup/system1/home, enter these commands:

    cd /backup/system1/homefind . -depth | cpio -pdm /system1/home

  • If you backed it up to tape with fbackup, enter:

    frecover -x -i /system1/home -v

Restore Other Files

Carefully use the same techniques to restore other files and directories, such as /usr, /local, and /opt. For help in importing entire volume groups, refer to either HP-UX System Administrator’s Guide or Managing Superdome Complexes.

The commands cited in this section do not write over newer files, so your new operating system and any files you update are well protected.

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