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HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide: HP Integrity Server Blades, HP Integrity Servers, and HP 9000 Servers > Chapter 4 Preparing to Cold-Install or Update to HP-UX 11i v3

Update Tasks


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Prior to updating to HP-UX 11i v3, perform these tasks:

  • Identify all software products and bundles on your system.

  • Rebuild the HP-UX kernel.

  • Rename your log files to make it easier to find problems encountered during an update.

  • Back up your operating system using the Ignite-UX make_net_recovery or make_tape_recovery command.

  • Locate source media and codewords.

Task 1: Identifying Software Versions

  1. List the bundles and products installed on your system:

    /usr/sbin/swlist -l bundle -l product> /tmp/software_list

  2. Check the list to determine which bundles and products you wish to update on your system. Make sure to save the output of the swlist command so you can reference it later.

  3. After updating to HP-UX 11i v3, run the swlist command again and compare the output to the output of the swlist command you saved in step 1 to determine what software products and bundles still need to be updated.

Task 2: Rebuilding the Kernel

The update can fail if the HP-UX kernel build fails in the starting environment. To ensure that you have a reliable starting point, rebuild the kernel before you update:

  1. As root, enter:


  2. Fix any problems listed in the mk_kernel output.

  3. Reboot your system to ensure that your new kernel boots.

Task 3: Renaming Your Log Files

To make it easier to look for problems encountered during an update, rename the log files before starting an update:

  1. cd /var/adm/sw

  2. As root, rename each log file. For example:

    mv swagent.log swagent_old.log

Task 4: Backing Up Your System

Back up your system before performing an update, and again after the update is complete. If a problem occurs, you can easily restore the system to its original state. See “Backing Up Your System” for more information.

Task 5: Locating Source Media and Codewords

Locate the source media needed for the update. See “Locating Source Media and Codewords” for instructions.

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