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HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide: HP Integrity Server Blades, HP Integrity Servers, and HP 9000 Servers > Chapter 1 Welcome to HP-UX 11i v3

New HP-UX 11i v3 Operating Environments


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With the March 2008 release, HP presents a set of new Operating Environments for version 3 of HP-UX 11i. These new Operating Environments, listed below, provide a richer set of products and improved choices over the original set of HP-UX 11i OEs. For more information on transition, mapping, etc. from original OEs to new OEs please see: www.hp.com/go/tov3oes.

Operating Environments (OEs) are tested and integrated application bundles designed to work with the operating system and provide the functionality needed for your system’s purpose. The following lists the new HP-UX 11i v3 OEs.

Table 1-2 New HP-UX 11i v3 Operating Environments

HP-UX 11i v3 OE Description

Base OE (BOE)

Provides integrated HP-UX functionality for cost-conscious customers. The BOE contains all the applications included in the Foundation OE, and improves the bundle set by adding much-requested products such as PRM, APA, as well as math libraries and graphics for technical computing applications. This OE is bundled as HPUX11i-BOE.

Virtual Server OE (VSE-OE)

Designed for customers seeking higher resource utilization or embarking on consolidation projects and need virtualization for a flexible UNIX environment. The VSE-OE contains all the products included in the BOE (and the original EOE) and adds a host of other products including the entire VSE Suite. This OE is bundled as HPUX11i-VSE-OE.

High Availability OE (HA-OE)

For customers requiring high availability for large mission critical applications, this OE contains all the products included in the BOE (and the original EOE), plus applications such as HP Serviceguard and HA toolkits required to enable a mission-critical server. This OE is bundled as HPUX11i-HA-OE.

Data Center OE (DC-OE)

For customers who need both flexibility and high availability, the Data Center OE provides mission critical virtualization by combining the robust product selection in the VSE-OE and HA-OE in one integrated and tested bundle. This OE contains all the products included in the BOE, VSE-OE, HA-OE (and the original MCOE) and is bundled as HPUX11i-DC-OE.


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