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nPartition Administrator's Guide > Chapter 6 Creating and Configuring nPartitions

Creating a Genesis Partition


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Creating a Genesis Partition overwrites all nPartition-related complex profile data for the server and establishes one single-cell nPartition.

Procedure 6-1 Genesis Partition Creation (Service Processor)

Use the CC command and G option at the service processor Command menu to create a Genesis Partition on a cell-based server.

As a result of this procedure, all existing nPartition configurations are deleted and are replaced with a single, one-cell nPartition (the Genesis Partition).

You can revert to the previous nPartition configuration—if any existed before you created the Genesis Partition—by using the CC command and L option to restore the last configuration.

  1. Save all current nPartition configuration details, if any nPartitions are configured in the complex.

    Saving the current nPartition information provides you the details you would need to re-create all nPartitions as they currently exist.

    Use the parstatus -V -p# command (or an equivalent Partition Manager procedure) to save configuration details about each nPartition.

    For each nPartition, enter the parstatus -V -p# command to display detailed information about the partition number (-p#) specified.

  2. Determine which cell will be configured as the Genesis Partition.

    The cell must be connected to an I/O chassis. The I/O chassis must have a core I/O card installed, and it should have a bootable disk (or a method for installing an operating system and a disk onto which it can be installed).

  3. Ensure that all nPartitions within the complex are in the shutdown for reconfig (inactive) state.

    If an nPartition is running HP-UX, you can shut down the nPartition to the shutdown for reconfig state by using the shutdown -R -H command.

    If an nPartition is running Windows you can put it in a shutdown for reconfig state by using the shutdown /s command.

    Or, you can put an nPartition into the shutdown for reconfig state by using the RECONFIGRESET command at the BCH interface, the reconfigreset command at the EFI Shell, or using the RR command at the service processor Command menu.

  4. Login to the service processor (GSP or MP) for the server complex.

    Login as a user with administrator privileges, which are required for creating a Genesis Partition.

  5. Enter CM to access the service processor Command menu.

  6. Issue the CC command, select G for Genesis Complex Profile, and specify the cabinet and cell slot for the cell that will comprise the Genesis Partition.

    GSP:CM> CC This command allows you to change the complex profile. WARNING: You must shut down all Protection Domains before executing this command. G - Genesis Complex Profile L - Last Complex Profile Select Profile: g Enter Cabinet number: 0 Enter Slot number: 0 Do you want to modify the complex profile? (Y/[N]) y -> The complex profile will be modified. GSP:CM>

    You can confirm that the Genesis Partition was successfully created if the CC command reports that the "complex profile will be modified".

    If the CC command reports "Sorry, command failed", then the Genesis Partition was not created, possibly because one or more nPartitions are not at the shutdown for reconfig state. If this is the case, go back to Step 3 and ensure all nPartitions are inactive at the shutdown for reconfig state.

  7. Issue the BO command to boot the Genesis Partition past its shutdown for reconfig state and make it an active nPartition.

    When a Genesis Partition is created, it remains at boot-is-blocked (in an inactive, shutdown for reconfig state), so you must boot it manually.

    The Genesis Partition always is assigned partition number 0, because when it is created it is the first and only nPartition in the server complex.

    Using the BO command to boot partition 0 will boot the Genesis Partition to its system boot environment: either Boot Console Handler (BCH, on HP 9000 servers) or Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI, on HP Integrity servers).

    GSP:CM> BO This command boots the selected partition. # Name --- ---- 0) Partition 0 Select a partition number : 0 Do you want to boot partition number 0, named Partition 0 ? (Y/[N]) y -> The selected partition will be booted. GSP:CM>
  8. Access the console for the Genesis Partition and configure the nPartition as appropriate and necessary.

    From the service processor Command menu, enter MA to return to the Main menu, then enter CO to access the Console menu. The Genesis Partition is partition 0 and by default is named "Partition 0".

    You will need to set the boot paths or options, any core cell choices, the nPartition name, and other settings as appropriate. You also may need to add cells to the Genesis Partition if you want it to have more than one cell.

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