The docs/guide/rmi/examples/stock
directory in the JDK 1.1
Beta installation directory contains an example that illustrates an applet that
exports a remote object in order to receive stock updates from a stock
server. The applet displays the stock data dynamically as
notifications are received from the server. The interfaces/classes for
this example are as follows:
is the remote interface for stock server.
is the remote interface for stock observer.
is the serializable object containing stock data.
(implements StockWatch
) sends notifications of stock updates to remote objects that have registered to receive updates.
(implements StockNotify
) exports a remote object (itself), registers with StockServer for stock updates, and displays stock notifications as they are received.
On Solaris, after downloading the JDK 1.1 Beta
release, execute the run
script in the docs/guide/rmi/examples/stock
directory, which
will print out what it is doing while it runs the example. The stock
server creates its own registry, so the "rmiregistry" does not need to be
started. Here are the basic steps that the run
script executes:
javac -d ../.. *.java
rmic -d ../.. examples.stock.StockServer examples.stock.StockApplet
java examples.stock.StockServer &
appletviewer index.html
Note: You can set your CLASSPATH back to the old CLASSPATH (without ../.. in it) before running the appletviewer, so that classes get downloaded via the network rather than via CLASSPATH; each of the scripts actually does this.
On Windows systems, after downloading the JDK 1.1 Beta
release, execute run.bat
in the docs/guide/rmi/examples/stock
directory, which
will explain each step as it builds and runs the example. Upon
completion, you will need to explicitly destroy the window created for
the server process.