Byte, Short, and Void Classes
Bytes and shorts are accommodated as wrapped numbers by adding new classes Byte and Short. The abstract class Number gets two new concrete methods: byteValue and shortValue; the default implementations of these use intValue method. Also includes a new class Void that is an uninstantiable placeholder class.
The @deprecated Tag
Used within documentation comments to mark classes and members as "no-longer-preferred", and directs the developer to replacement classes and members.
Accessing Resource Files
APIs that provide a mechanism for locating resource files in a way that is
independent of the location of the resources. For example, this mechanism
can locate a resource file whether it is an applet loaded from the net
using multiple HTTP connects, an applet loaded using JAR files, or a
"library" installed in the CLASSPATH.
Enhancements to the <APPLET> tag defined in HTML. Loads applets in the applet viewer or a web browser.