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Class java.util.zip.ZipFile

java.lang.Object | +----java.util.zip.ZipFile
public class ZipFile
extends Object
implements ZipConstants
This class can be used to read the contents of a ZIP file. It uses RandomAccessFile for quick access to ZIP file entries, and supports both compressed and uncompressed entries.

Constructor Index

 o ZipFile(File)
Opens a ZIP file for reading given the specified File object.
 o ZipFile(String)
Opens a ZIP file for reading given the specified file name.

Method Index

 o close()
Closes the ZIP file.
 o entries()
Returns an enumeration of the ZIP file entries.
 o getEntry(String)
Returns the ZIP file entry for the given path name.
 o getInputStream(ZipEntry)
Returns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified ZIP file entry.
 o getName()
Returns the path name of the ZIP file.


 o ZipFile public ZipFile(String name) throws IOException
Opens a ZIP file for reading given the specified file name.

name - the name of the zip file
Throws: ZipException
if a ZIP format error has occurred
Throws: IOException
if an I/O error has occurred
 o ZipFile public ZipFile(File file) throws ZipException, IOException
Opens a ZIP file for reading given the specified File object.

file - the ZIP file to be opened for reading
Throws: ZipException
if a ZIP error has occurred
Throws: IOException
if an I/O error has occurred


 o getEntry public ZipEntry getEntry(String name)
Returns the ZIP file entry for the given path name. Returns null if there is no entry corresponding to the given name.

name - the name of the entry
the ZIP file entry
 o getInputStream public InputStream getInputStream(ZipEntry ze) throws IOException
Returns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified ZIP file entry.

ze - the zip file entry
Throws: ZipException
if a ZIP format error has occurred
Throws: IOException
if an I/O error has occurred
 o getName public String getName()
Returns the path name of the ZIP file.

 o entries public Enumeration entries()
Returns an enumeration of the ZIP file entries.

 o close public void close() throws IOException
Closes the ZIP file.

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