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Interface java.rmi.registry.Registry

public interface Registry
extends Remote
A "registry" exists on every node that allows RMI connections to servers on that node. The registry on a particular node contains a transient database that maps names to remote objects. When the node boots, the registry database is empty. The names stored in the registry are pure and are not parsed. A service storing itself in the registry may want to prefix its name of the service by a package name (although not required), to reduce name collisions in the registry. The LocateRegistry class is used to obtain the registry for different hosts.

See Also:

Variable Index

Well known port for registry

Method Index

 o bind(String, Remote)
Binds the name to the specified remote object.
 o list()
Returns an array of the names in the registry.
 o lookup(String)
Returns the remote object associated with the specified name in the registry.
 o rebind(String, Remote)
Rebind the name to a new object, replacing any existing binding.
 o unbind(String)
Unbind the name.


 o REGISTRY_PORT public static final int REGISTRY_PORT
Well known port for registry


 o lookup public abstract Remote lookup(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException
Returns the remote object associated with the specified name in the registry.

Throws: RemoteException
If remote operation failed.
Throws: NotBoundException
if there is no object with this name in the registry.
Throws: AccessException
If this operation is not permitted.
 o bind public abstract void bind(String name, Remote obj) throws RemoteException, AlreadyBoundException, AccessException
Binds the name to the specified remote object.

Throws: RemoteException
If remote operation failed.
Throws: AlreadyBoundException
If name is already bound.
Throws: AccessException
If this operation is not permitted.
 o unbind public abstract void unbind(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException
Unbind the name.

Throws: RemoteException
If remote operation failed.
Throws: NotBoundException
if there is no object with this name in the registry.
Throws: AccessException
If this operation is not permitted.
 o rebind public abstract void rebind(String name, Remote obj) throws RemoteException, AccessException
Rebind the name to a new object, replacing any existing binding.

Throws: RemoteException
If remote operation failed.
Throws: AccessException
If this operation is not permitted.
 o list public abstract String[] list() throws RemoteException, AccessException
Returns an array of the names in the registry.

Throws: RemoteException
If remote operation failed.
Throws: AccessException
If this operation is not permitted.

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