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Class java.net.NoRouteToHostException

java.lang.Object | +----java.lang.Throwable | +----java.lang.Exception | +----java.io.IOException | +----java.net.SocketException | +----java.net.NoRouteToHostException
public class NoRouteToHostException
extends SocketException
Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port. Typically, the remote host cannot be reached because of an intervening firewall, or if an intermediate router is down.

Constructor Index

 o NoRouteToHostException()
Construct a new NoRouteToHostException with no detailed message.
 o NoRouteToHostException(String)
Constructs a new NoRouteToHostException with the specified detail message as to why the remote host cannot be reached.


 o NoRouteToHostException public NoRouteToHostException(String msg)
Constructs a new NoRouteToHostException with the specified detail message as to why the remote host cannot be reached. A detail message is a String that gives a specific description of this error.

msg - the detail message
 o NoRouteToHostException public NoRouteToHostException()
Construct a new NoRouteToHostException with no detailed message.

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