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Class java.lang.ArithmeticException

java.lang.Object | +----java.lang.Throwable | +----java.lang.Exception | +----java.lang.RuntimeException | +----java.lang.ArithmeticException
public class ArithmeticException
extends RuntimeException
Thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred. For example, an integer "divide by zero" throws an instance of this class.

Constructor Index

 o ArithmeticException()
Constructs an ArithmeticException with no detail message.
 o ArithmeticException(String)
Constructs an ArithmeticException with the specified detail message.


 o ArithmeticException public ArithmeticException()
Constructs an ArithmeticException with no detail message.

 o ArithmeticException public ArithmeticException(String s)
Constructs an ArithmeticException with the specified detail message.

s - the detail message.

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