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Class java.io.OptionalDataException

java.lang.Object | +----java.lang.Throwable | +----java.lang.Exception | +----java.io.IOException | +----java.io.ObjectStreamException | +----java.io.OptionalDataException
public class OptionalDataException
extends ObjectStreamException
Unexpected data appeared in an ObjectInputStream trying to read an Object. This exception occurs when the stream contains primitive data instead of the object expected by readObject. The eof flag in the exception is true to indicate that no more primitive data is available. The count field contains the number of bytes available to read.

Variable Index

 o eof
True if there is no more data in the buffered part of the stream.
 o length
The number of bytes of primitive data available to be read in the current buffer.


 o length public int length
The number of bytes of primitive data available to be read in the current buffer.

 o eof public boolean eof
True if there is no more data in the buffered part of the stream.

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