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Interface java.beans.Visibility

public interface Visibility
Under some circumstances a bean may be run on servers where a GUI is not available. This interface can be used to query a bean to determine whether it absolutely needs a gui, and to advise the bean whether a GUI is available.

This interface is for expert developers, and is not needed for normal simple beans. To avoid confusing end-users we avoid using getXXX setXXX design patterns for these methods.

Method Index

 o avoidingGui()
 o dontUseGui()
This method instructs the bean that it should not use the Gui.
 o needsGui()
 o okToUseGui()
This method instructs the bean that it is OK to use the Gui.


 o needsGui public abstract boolean needsGui()
True if the bean absolutely needs a GUI available in order to get its work done.
 o dontUseGui public abstract void dontUseGui()
This method instructs the bean that it should not use the Gui.

 o okToUseGui public abstract void okToUseGui()
This method instructs the bean that it is OK to use the Gui.

 o avoidingGui public abstract boolean avoidingGui()
true if the bean is currently avoiding use of the Gui. e.g. due to a call on dontUseGui().

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