LAN Emulation Configuration Server: An important part of emu-
lated LAN services, providing the configuration data that is furnished upon
request from the LES. These services include address registration for Inte-
grated Local Management Interface (ILMI) support, configuration support
for the LES addresses and their corresponding emulated LAN identifiers, and
an interface to the emulated LAN. See also: LES and ELAN.
LAN Emulation Server: The central LANE component that provides
the initial configuration data for each connecting LEC. The LES typically is
located on either an ATM-integrated router or a switch. Responsibilities of
the LES include configuration and support for the LEC, address registration
for the LEC, database storage and response concerning ATM addresses, and
interfacing to the emulated LAN. See also: ELAN, LEC, and LECS.
link compression
See: compression.
link-state router
Type of routing protocol run on a router that sends par-
tial route updates incrementally.
link-state routing algorithm
A routing algorithm that allows each router
to broadcast or multicast information regarding the cost of reaching all its
neighbors to every node in the internetwork. Link-state algorithms provide
a consistent view of the network and are therefore not vulnerable to routing
loops. However, this is achieved at the cost of somewhat greater difficulty in
computation and more widespread traffic (compared with distance-vector
routing algorithms). See also: distance-vector routing algorithm.
LocalTalk Link Access Protocol: In a LocalTalk environment, the
Data Linklevel protocol that manages node-to-node delivery of data. This
protocol provides node addressing and management of bus access, and it also
controls data sending and receiving to assure packet length and integrity.
Logical Link Control: Defined by the IEEE, the higher of two Data
Link layer sublayers. LLC is responsible for error detection (but not correc-
tion), flow control, framing, and software-sublayer addressing. The predom-
inant LLC protocol, IEEE 802.2, defines both connectionless and
connection-oriented operations. See also: Data Link layer and MAC.
An enhancement to the original Frame Relay specification. Among the
features it provides are a keepalive mechanism, a multicast mechanism,
global addressing, and a status mechanism.
Copyright ©2001 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA