his book would not be on the shelf if it were not for the hard work and
dedication of the Sybex editing crew, especially Molly Glover and Jeff Kel-
lum, who kept us all on track. Many thanks! My thanks also to Linda Reck-
tenwald (editor), Eric Quinn (technical editor), Nila Nichols (EPS), Tony
Jonick and Jerry Williams! (illustrators), Nancy Riddiough, Nanette Duffy,
Yariv Rabinovitch, and Jennifer Campbell (proofreaders), and Ted Laux
I need to thank Todd Lammle for trusting me to grace the pages of
another one of his books. It's always exciting when you get to the acknowl-
edgments because that means the book is almost finished. I must thank Erin
for putting up with me during the writing of this book. She is a wonderful
person who is as smart as she is good looking and puts up with a lot of extra
responsibility while I am working on books. I need to also thank some of
those who helped me in the writing process, such as Hanson Nottingham,
Doug Hammond, and John Turner, who have made me consider myself an
expert at BGP and EIGRP. And finally, I'd like to thank everyone at Sybex
who worked so hard at completing this project.
I would like to thank John Swartz for introducing me to Todd Lammle
and thanks to Todd for all his encouragement and advice. My family also
deserves acknowledgment for their patience while I was secluded in my
office. Now that the book is finished, Daddy can get back to the really
important things like coloring pictures and working puzzles.
Copyright ©2001 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA