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Chapter 10
Route Optimization
Answers to Review Questions
D. RIP considers only the number of routers (hops) to be traversed en
route to a destination network.
B. Cisco uses to indicate a default route in a static
routing statement.
B and D. Route maps have two primary components, a match clause
and a set clause. The function of the match clause is to specify the
traffic that is to be policy routed. The purpose of the set clause is to
manipulate the routing of traffic by adjusting such parameters as next-
hop address.
B and D. IGRP and EIGRP are similar in that they use the same met-
ric components, and they are both Cisco proprietary.
A and C. The metric components of IGRP are bandwidth, delay, reli-
ability, load, and MTU size.
D. The values for load range from 1 through 255, where 1 is
unloaded and 255 is completely loaded. A 10 percent load may be cal-
culated by multiplying 255 by .1, which equals 25.5. Since we need to
specify load in terms of an integer, we choose 25.
A. Even though the maximum MTU size for Ethernet is 1518 bytes,
the default MTU value used in the metric calculation for an Ethernet
interface is 1500 bytes.
A. Reliability values range from 1 through 255, where 1 is com-
pletely unreliable and 255 is completely reliable.
B. Both IGRP and EIGRP use bandwidth, delay, reliability, load, and
MTU size as their metric components.
B. The
default-metric 56 10 255 1 1500
can be used
to specify the metric to be used for any route being redistributed into
EIGRP. This may not be optimal if you want to specify different met-
rics for different protocols.
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