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Chapter 10
Route Optimization
access list, THEN apply a specific metric, or ELSE apply a different metric.
Following is the syntax to create our route map:
route-map test 1
assigns the name test to our route-map, and designates this section
as sequence number 1.
match ip address 1
checks access-list 1 to see if a permit condition is met.
set metric 56 100 255 100 1500
If the permit condition was met in the previous statement, then assign
the given metric. Notice that we have set this metric to indicate that
the link is partially loaded (load is set to 100, indicating that the link
is approximately 39 percent [100/255] loaded).
route-map test 2
designates this section as sequence number 2 of the route-map named
set metric 56 100 255 1 1500
If the match condition in sequence number 1 was not met, then apply
the given metric. Notice that this metric specifies an unloaded link
(load is set to 1).
Finally, we need to apply the route map to the EIGRP routing process with
the following syntax:
router eigrp 10
redistribute rip route-map test
Here we redistribute routes learned via RIP into EIGRP, with the param-
eters specified in the route-map named test.
Now, when network is being redistributed into EIGRP, it will
have a different metric than other networks, as shown in Figure 10.8.
Copyright ©2001 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA